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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cantankerous, Cranky, Crabby Pants

Not Me! Never Me! It might however be genetic? Maybe?  I think they get it from their father. I've never been that nasty in the morning........well at least not without provocation.

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed doesn't even begin to describe it.  Granted I was waking him two hours prior to his necessary waking time to ensure he had set his alarm to wake up on time.  I know it sounds a bit absurd, but it is a necessary evil.  You see if I don't go through this morning ritual, and sometimes even when I do, he oversleeps and is tardy for school.  I can't be there to wake him up when he really needs it because I myself need to be at work. So I wake him earlier, taking him from his deep slumber to a morning light sleep, as he lazily waits til the last minute to bustle about only to arrive on campus with mere seconds before the bell rings.

And what do I get for my loving and gentle prodding efforts each day? That's right...cantankerous, cranky, and crabby pants. "Get out of my room". "Are you just going to stand there?" (usually in response following a "no" to the the question of "Did you set your alarm?", and the instruct of "Well you better set it now").  I rarely, actually..... never receive a "Thanks mom". Though I think one is in order since I am assisting to ensure detention is avoided.

It could simply be the fact that he's 17, or that he has a severe case of senioritas (no that is isn't the female form in Spanish it's the medical term for sick of school in his senior year).

As for me, I only experience mild cases of Cantankerous, Cranky, and Crabby Pants and mine can occur anytime during the day, however seem to be more isolated to the evening hours following a long day at work upon arriving home to a disheveled house whereupon the previous mentioned 17 year old has failed to pick up after himself.  It usually passes quickly after I take a few deep breaths and relax for approximately 30 minutes following the initial pick up phase.

It might also be noteworthy to mention that I experience mild cases following periods of sleep in which I have irritating dreams and people (specifically said 17 year old or Jeff) do really stupid things that require me to respond in a cantankerous, cranky, and crabby pants way.

Regardless, I am certain that he has inherited his from his father. Though Jeff also has shown signs of the same disorder in its most extreme form on occasion. Perhaps it's a viral strain.  Something airborne? Should we panic.  Is it more widespread than just our home? Maybe I should investigate a little more.


  1. I'm thinking the empty nest syndrome is a blessing in disguise lol

    1. Amen amen. I think you might be on to something. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Brandon seems to apppreciate me much more since he moved out. :)
