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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Please don't Breed

Have you ever been driving down the street, or on on a walk in the park, or having lunch with your girlfriends, when out of the corner of your eye you someone, and your first thought, is "Oh dear lord, please don't let that one breed!"

I know it sounds cruel, but some people just shouldn't even consider procreation.  I know it sounds like a joke, but even in humor there is some grain of truth.

Is stupid genetic? Oh dear lord, help us all if it is. Because there is a LOT of stupid out there.  Stupid is the pedestrian who crosses the busy street in the middle of the road, when there is a crosswalk 25 feet up the way. Too lazy to go to the light? Please go into the light, seriously. Stupid and Lazy is a bad combination. And it doesn't help matters when she proceeds to yell at the cars and throw things because she almost got hit. Next time, I won't miss.Please don't breed.

Is crazy genetic? Heaven help us if it is. We might become one giant insane asylum living within our own borders. So much crazy out there, it simply must be genetic.  Crazy is the guy wearing his parka as he crosses the Broadway Bridge completely oblivious to the fact that he forgot his pants this morning and his tighty whitey underpants (which are not so tight or white) are exposed. At least his has his boots and socks on. Crazy is the woman standing in the doorway at the local Mercy Corps offices first thing in the morning, yelling at the door (no one is in the office yet) about how it ruined her life and has no mercy for her. She is cursing and hitting and kicking the door, and all I can think is how lucky she is that that door can't hit her back, because if it were me I'd knock her on her backside. Crazy can be an illness, and I'm sympathetic to those afflicted. But sometimes crazy is self induced with alcohol and drugs and poor choices and a total lack of self awareness and self control. Please don't breed.

I think sometimes that as military and un-diplomatic as it sounds, that if psychological testing could be done before people are allowed to become parents, the resulting societal changes would be an improvement. We would see less violence, addiction, homelessness, etc. If children could be born to mentally sound,well adjusted parents, instead of born as a tool to increase someones monthly welfare income, then we would see an improvement in the quality of life within our world. I know it's extreme, and the repercussions from actions to prevent unauthorized breeding would be deplorable and unacceptable. I get the reality that such measures would be deemed inhumane. But wouldn't it be lovely to reduce the world population, the drain on natural resources, and the burden of caring for stupid, lazy, or crazy, by limiting the potential for its existence.


  1. You forgot the stupid drivers! I was thinking yesterday that the state could save a ton of money by getting rid of driving tests, written and driving. Why bother. Who cares? You can have a baby and need no training or license. Just because you pass a driving test, doesn't mean you will become a good law abiding driver. That license means nothing really. Not saying to get rid of all the driving laws, just the driving tests and actual license. You either know how to drive, or you don't. You could pass the driving test with flying colors and become a crappy driver. Or be nervous and a newby, and become a great driver.

    1. LOL. You are so right. Technically these people might fall under the stupid rule, and then we could limit the bad drivers by not allowing them to multiple. :) Although, I've been in the car with PhD's who are horrible drivers. Their Brains don't connect to the real world, or the road. :)
