About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Great Expectations

I have great expectations in life, for myself and my children. I am not willing to settle for mere mediocrity. I want to live my life to the fullest, being the BEST I can be, and I want my children to do the same. Being JUST ENOUGH, is not good enough. Settling for simply getting by, isn't living, it's existing for the sake of doing so.

People who live their lives simply to get to the next day, are a drain. They are a drain on resources, and energy, and air.  If you are not going to appreciate the miracle and honor of the life you have been given, and you find yourself at the point of quitting, then step off, and make room for someone who will. However, in the process of bowing out, which you should do gracefully but we all know you won't, please don't take any other casualties with you. Although if you have lived your life so lacking of enthusiasm and so devoid of emotion and gratitude, then I expect that the chances of you caring one iota about others is slim, but please try.

As for myself, I chose to live life full of great expectations. I Chose to not lose hope and to never stop pursuing the very best of my potential. I chose to believe that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, hold great joy and happiness. I know I have dues to pay along the way, tolls to tally as I make the journey. I embrace that the challenges I encounter are there to teach me, to help me, to guide me.  And I chose to love the life I have, the people in it, the places in it, and to never take it for granted to to settle for mere vanilla.

I work to inspire and encourage my children to have dreams and to work hard to achieve their goals. I want my children to have great expectations for themselves, never to settle for mediocrity but to accept that along they way, it takes hard work, dedication and patience.  I want them to know that the things they accomplish in life come with time and effort. Greatness is achieved in baby steps, one stone at time. They will build their futures one opportunity, one victory, one happy day each step, with minor detours. Sometimes they will stumble or even fall down, but they will get back up and keep going. I hope my children learn from their experiences and benefit from my wisdom, and that they appreciate each day, what a gift they have been given. This Life.

I have great expectations, its true, but I also have unlimited love and understanding and forgiveness. My heart know no bounds and smiles with each joyous moment, cries with each skinned knee, and remains steadfast through each hill climb.


  1. I was thinking about this yesterday. I was wondering how some people want to have everything and do what ever it takes to get that. That exhausts me to even think about it. Than I was thinking of the Amish people and how they live simply and want nothing. Just happiness and family. That inspires me to want to be like them.

    1. I think it's not so much about having everything, as being the best we individually can be. I know I'm never going to be wealthy, but I strive every day to be better. I think its about having realistic goals and dreams and reaching for them. The key word is realistic. Also doing whatever you can to reach them, but not at the cost of others. :)
