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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Priorities....All in Order

As I start the new year, I realize most people see it as a time to make resolutions. I don't do resolutions , I think they are silly promises we make to ourselves which are short lived and reach too far.  I instead elect to review and assess my priorities and ensure they are in order.  Because I believe in my priorities, I rarely find the need to adjust them although the details of what each means changes as time goes on and as I make adjustments for additional priorities if necessary.

These are my current priorities and I am confident in saying they are in order as they appear on my list. Agree or disagree, each has it place for a reason and I am confidant that they are where they should be.

  1. My Children
  2. My relationship
  3. My Job
  4. My Health
  5. My Home
  6. My Pets
  7. My Friends

1. My Children - They are and always will be my number 1 priority. No matter their age or their circumstances, I will always hold them and the happiness they deserve  as high on my list. As they get older and more independent, I have less and less influence over this, but I will remain prepared at any moment to respond to their needs should they ask. 

2. My Relationship - This is high on my list because as my role in life changes my chosen partner will become the person I spend most of my time with. It is important that we communicate and laugh together. That we respect and honor each other and that we remember those things we love most about each  other.It is important that we never take each other for granted.

3. My Job - This is another high priority, but I am cautious to keep it in order because my children and my relationship are and always will be more important.  However, my job is valuable, and the ethic and dedication I devote to it are critical. Success is reliant on my professional reputation and reliability. My job pays the bills and ensures that my private personal time is more fulfilling because I can afford to enjoy myself.

4. My Health - As we age our health becomes more of an issue. For some its easier than others, but the key no matter where you are is in knowing your body. Acknowledge your limitations and needs and apply logical and intuitive care. Be smart, and remember to listen to your body and what it is telling you.

5. My Home - I love a clean and organized home. I think it is conducive to a relaxing atmosphere and comfortable place to unwind and rejuvenate.  My home is in order and I work hard to never have to apologize for its state.  There is little need for the words "please excuse the mess" to cross my lips and I am proud of that.  I live modestly, but neatly, nothing extravagant or fancy, but comfortable and easy.

6. My Pets - My Pets rate on my priorities because when I accepted the responsibility for them I accepted the obligation to care for them. They rely on me to care for them, to comfort them, to make their short lives worthwhile and fulfilling. I love my pets, and my heart aches when they are sick or sad and smiles when they are happy.

7. My Friends - My friends are in my top priorities because they complete me. They love me unconditionally. They know me better than most of family, and they know and appreciate the woman I am today and understand the errors we all make along the way to becoming who we are. They accept me at all times. My Friends are warm and funny, serious and silly, honest and trustworthy and they are the very best part of me and all the parts of me I wish I could be.


  1. New Years resolutions are so annoying. And I really don't understand as to why people make them, as nobody ever sticks with what they say they are going to or not going to do anyways. Can you not give up coffee in Sept? or lose weight in July?

    1. LOL. My point exactly. What is the purpose. :)
