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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Are We on the Same Page?

"Are we on the Same Page"? You've heard the phrase or some translation of it many times in life. The gist of the question being, are we of one mind; thinking alike; same ideals; same goals; moving in the same direction together?

Its a simple question really. But complex too.  If the answer is no, then you might be opening a can of worms. It could be as simple as a logical discussion of pros and cons intended to sway one or the other back into synchronicity. But it could also mean hours of bickering and hurt feelings, and tet-a-te` back and forth until someone buckles just to end the argument.

Being on the "Same Page" as a couple is nice! But not at the expense and compromise of what you truly believe. Saying you're on the "Same Page" and Being on the "Same Page" are quite different animals. In fact they are not even of the same species.

Agreeing for the sake of avoiding a disagreement may work for the short term, but is not a long term solution. In the end, the truth wins out and resentments rear their ugly heads.

Its o.k to have differing viewpoints as long as they are respectful and together a mutual compromise can be attained. The key word here is MUTUAL.  Its about give and take on both sides.  Sometimes people share the same goals but have different ideas of how to accomplish them.  In essence they are in the same book, but maybe not on the  "Same Page".

Being on the  "Same Page" is rare. Its nice, but its rare. We all turn the pages in life, just as in a book, at different paces. The rules of attraction say "opposites attract". Therefore the idea and likelihood of being on the "Same Page" as your partner every time, is pretty slim.

Here are the things I love about my partner and my communications:
  • I  love it when we are close but no cigar. They say close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, well we get close enough to throw hand grenades at the horseshoes and smoke a cigar afterwards. :)
  • I love it when we finish each others sentences as this indicates like minds
  • I love it we think of the same thing for dinner
  • I love it when we crack the same joke, or make the same snide remark at the same time
  • I love that we share many of the same hopes for our future and that even those that don't align to perfection, are close enough to count
  • I love it when, even though we disagree, we don't harbor a grudge and we move on, still side by side, still together.
  • I love that we share separate interests that allow us to be individuals and yet still US.
Are we on the same page. I think we may just be. Different paragraph, different lines perhaps , but same page????.......Yes. 

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