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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Blah Blah Blah...Whatever

Sometimes people like to talk just to hear themselves.  They go on and on about all sorts of idealistic things, just to give the impression that they are noble and kind. I'll grant you sometimes the gestures are genuine, but if you can't put your money where your mouth is, as they say, then its all lip service and noise.

I must admit that when I listen to these people, same stories, same complaints, same pulpit, day after day, I begin to tune them out. 

It can be through the spoken word or the written word, but what I see and hear, short of a call to action, is...Blah blah blah...Whatever.

Here is the trick to capturing the attention of others and keeping it.  Follow through.  If you talk about climbing Mount Everest, then do it and document the journey. If you want to travel to Africa and live with an indigenous tribe, then book your trip and write about everything you see and learn.   If you want to build a rocket and establish the first colony on the moon, well that's a pretty lofty dream, but o.k. do it.

My point is, that regurgitating the same gruel time after time, absent of any action, makes the time wasted complaining and/or telling the story, just that....wasted. This goes for both dreams and complaints.

If life keeps giving you lemons at every turn, then stop complaining about it and make some damn lemonade but don't forget to add the sugar.

If you want to fix a relationship, be close to someone, or bridge a distance, modern technology is on your side. There are ways to reach out called computers and telephones. They have been around for some time now and are highly functional and reliable.  If all you have are excuses for why something is broken, then don't waste the time of those within ears reach recounting how unjust life is. There are no excuses for broken connections outside of personal choice.

If you hate your job and those you work with, well, either make a change, or suck it up. I can respect the person who is dissatisfied but biding their time while actively, diligently seeking something new. But the person who complains and does nothing....well its no different than the man who complains that hard boiled eggs give him a belly ache and yet he eats a hard boiled egg everyday. If you fail to make the effort to change what you are unhappy with, then its yours to own.

I love to hear others and share my own thoughts and experiences and moments, but I have a short attention span when it comes to hearing the same recycled material over and over.  Forward momentum, is a necessity in life or the danger lies in everything you say translating to Blah blah blah...whatever

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