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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Varying degrees...No two alike

I recently found myself in a situation that reminded me that each of us is unique. Though we may share similar traits, characteristics, afflictions, interests, and experiences, those similarities simply have the power to bring us together, but we are still one-of-a-kinds.

Each of us face trials and tribulations which are pre-destined but also those which are the result of choices and steps we have taken along the way.  Each event and experience in our life impacts and changes our outcome.

I lost someone recently who shared a common medical trait with me. I won't lie, it freaked me out.  All I could could feel at first was a mix of overwhelming sadness mixed with paralyzing fear. And then I took a breath. I paused and thought for a moment how illogical I was being.  You see, though two people may share a common diagnosis, their paths and outcomes may be vastly different.

There are varying degrees to any illness. Those degrees can fluctuate based on life style, emotional state, outlook,  life choices past/present/and future. Degrees can change based on age, diet, & treatment. Though there may be similarities in symptoms, how our bodies respond can be as unique as an individual fingerprint or DNA.

Sharing traits may help bring people together, but you can't live your life in fear based on someone else experience. Birds of a feather may flock together, but they still fly on their own wing power.

Think about it.  You get a common cold and so does your spouse/partner...but you feel better in 48 hours.. on the mend and back to normal, while their symptoms linger for a week. You take the same medicine, but your bodies react differently.  The same is true of things more serious like bipolar disorder, depression, cancer, lupus, arthritis, crohns disease, and so on and so on.....

The point is we are each unique in who we are but also in how we respond to affliction and life in general. There are varying degrees to everything and no two situations, anywhere in all the world, are the same. Don't allow fear to debilitate you or to dictate your choices. Be smart, be responsible, but don't forget to live.

Be grateful for every day you have in life, because regardless of how healthy you are, things happen.  None of us knows how long we have to be here, so don't waste the gift you've been given.

I've said it before, I'll say it again.....Live! Love! Laugh! and don't forget to simply breathe.

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