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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I'm not a Witch

It's true that October is here and that this is the month for Halloween and all the festivities that come with it.  Anyone who is familiar with my preferences in movies, know that not only am I total Science Fiction Geek, but I also love a great scare flick, horror film. Rather purely psychological or the absolutely hokey slice and dice gore, (though I much prefer the psychological scare in which the imagination is key), I love a good Halloween Movie.

Starting on October 1, every year we watch one Halloween themed movie every day we do the same in December for Christmas by the way).  We watch live action and animations, and we love them all. 

But this blog is dedicated to my declaration that I am not a witch.  As if anyone would ever truly believe I was.

I have a skirt which I love.  It is black and white stripes with a petticoat hike on the left side and is simply cute.  I wear it in the summer with a tank and in the fall/winter with a long sleeve tee and leggings. This week I wore my skirt to work and paired it with my red suede boots. Unfortunately, one of my coworkers decided to tease and chide me all day about the impression that to her it resembled what she would envision as  modern day witch attire.  I won;t wear the same combination ensemble to work again, but it made me think of Monty Python.  \

Its a classic and scene in which a town woman is accused of witchery.  The dialogue is very kitschy but I love this movie and so do my boys.  The scene takes place in the town square where they appear to be ready for a trial, in the end they determine that though framed by the townsfolk, the best way to determine a witch is by comparing her to wood in the water because witches float and wood floats therefore if she floats she must be a witch. 

ala Monte Python:
The Witch: I'm not a witch I'm not a witch!
Sir Bedevere: But you are dressed as one
The Witch: *They* dressed me up like this!
Crowd: We didn't! We didn't...
The Witch: And this isn't my nose. It's a false one.
Sir Bedevere: [lifts up her false nose] Well?
Peasant 1: Well, we did do the nose.
Sir Bedevere: The nose?
Peasant 1: And the hat, but she is a witch!
Crowd: Yeah! Burn her! Burn her!
Sir Bedevere: Did you dress her up like this?
Peasant 1: No!
Peasant 3: No!
Peasant 1: No!
Peasant 1: Yes!
Peasant 2: Yes!
Peasant 1: Yeah a bit.
Peasant 3: A bit!
Peasant 1, Peasant 2: A bit!
Peasant 2: a bit
Peasant 1: But she has got a wart!

Anyway,  to wrap this up, I love Halloween, I love scary movies, I accidentally dressed like a witch, I am not a witch, and I love Monte Python's Search for the Holy Grail.  If your not familiar with it, watch it you'll love it too and if you don't then maybe your a witch.

Happy October!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. And we don't get treated with a picture of you in your witch outfit, that isn't really a witch outfit? Maybe you should post photo and take a poll..lol We will be brutally honest. Or not.
