About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, October 26, 2012


So this is the month of October, the month of Jack-O-Lanterns and Haunted Houses.  The month for witches, and ghosts, and things that go bump in the night. The month for scary movies, and costumes, and trick or treating.  Our leaves change color and then fall to their annual demise, the grass dries up, the days get shorter, and the winds begin to howl their haunted call.

Its harvest season, and what better time for a confessional.

So here is mine....Only those people closest to me will know this with any certainty, and the rest of you may embrace it, but I ask that you don't judge me for it.  Here goes......I have a very creepy dark side.  I love creepy movies and creepy books, and creepy television. The darker and more deranged the better.  I prefer psychological terror, things that allow my imagination to run wild instead of the slice and dice gore fest of the 80's but I can watch the Jason, Michael, and Freddy marathons too.  Though they make me laugh, oddly enough.  I love a well done vampire, zombie, witch, or ghost story.

I love The Grudge, The Strangers, Paranormal Activity, and movies that leave the depth of the scare entirely up to me and my imagination.  I fell in fascination with American Horror story on FX last fall and am already enjoying this years installation and we are only at episode 2.   I am a huge fan of A&E's The Walking Dead. The Saw series made me laugh, mainly because it was so ridiculous.

While we are on confessions...I sing in the car, I talk to myself, and I take change left anywhere in my house and put it in my change jar. I frequently drive faster than the speed limit, and I sometimes don't wear my seatbelt. 

Time to share your confessions. Give me something juicy, I promise not to tell.


  1. I hate biker gangs. Always have. ALways will. But Sons of Anarchy is my favorite TV show. By far.

    1. I LOVE Sons of Anarchy. One of my favorites on TV these days.

  2. Stop! In the Name of Love..Keep your seat belt on!

    1. LOL, So says my children and Jeff. :) and that incessant ding ding ding ding of the car

  3. Confessions huh? ok,I like to eat with plastic utensils. I don't drive over bridges. I don't fly. I sanitize everything too much. Doorknobs, handles etc. I hate wearing shoes. I don't wear any jewerly, watches etc. Oh my Gosh, this list could go on forever..haha

    1. We use paper plates just so we don't have to dishes so much. :)And my OCD compulsions would overwhelm and amaze you. :)
