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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Popular.  It was something in high school lots of kids aspired to be, part of the Popular minority.  They were the quarterback of the football team, the head cheerleader, & Class President. They were the kids who seemed to have the word at their feet and they had their own society.  If you were special enough to be part of the popular crowd, your high school years were guaranteed to be memorable and somewhat happy.  As happy as a hormonal teenager can be at least. There was the extra pressure of being perfect and not allowing anyone to see your flaws, and for some that resulted in dire choices and consequences, but for most, Popular was their ticket to a smooth four years.

There were tiers of popularity just as there were tiers of obscurity.  As for me, I simply wanted to fly under the radar, do my best academically, make it through, and get out. To start my life with bigger and better dreams.  I couldn't wait to leave the small town life and move on to the city.

The musical Wicked portrays the idea of Popular, almost perfectly to the exact personality traits and self promotion it typically required:
whenever i see someone less fortunate than i,
and let's face it, who isn't less fortunate than i?
my tender heart tends to start to bleed.
and when someone needs a makeover,
i simply have to take over!
i know i know exactly what they need!

and even in your case,
though it's the toughest case i've yet to face,
don't worry, i'm determined to succeed!
follow my lead,
and yes indeed, you will be...

POPULAR! you're gonna be popular! 

Galinda, is determined to help Elphaba become popular despite her unique traits and aversion to people.  Galinda believes simply by allowing Elphaba to spend time with her, that her own society value will raise Elphaba up to being Popular.  

I don't begrudge those kids their popularity, the truth is , I never wanted to be part of the crowd.  I was always looking to where I wanted to be after high school.  I think in way, that prohibited me from truly enjoying it, being in the moment, but I have no regrets.  What I do notice now is that many of those "popular kids" are the same ones who proclaim that high school was the best time of their lives.  I think I got the better deal, because I simply say, I survived my teenage years relatively unscathed and I love every day of my life now and whats to come. No looking back for me.  Everything is yet to come.

I have some wonderful friends now. And there are days, I actually feel Popular, turning down one social engagement for another.  But I see some of the relationships and virtual lives of people I grew up with, and I do lament over the notion of having a life long friend. I wonder what it would be like to still be close to someone who knew me all along. 

As kids, and teenagers transforming into young adults, we don't have the vision or perspective to see the big picture.  I think a nice middle ground would be where I would recommend for my kids.  Enjoy your youth, make the most of it, but don't invest so much that you forget to plan for and appreciate your future.  Nurture and develop your friendships, and cherish them, Carry them with you if you can, and if not then safeguard your memories of them. 

POPULAR,  I think we all have it sometime, in some measure, at someplace in our lives.  I'll save mine for later. 


  1. Being popular was always for the pretty kids. And 20 -30 years later, they aren't that pretty anymore...Bald, fat, old and just like everyone else. lol

    1. Its like the baby who walks at 10 months and the baby who walks at 7 months, 5 years later they both walk the same and you don;t know the difference. I'm popular, with myself. :)
