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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Insomniac Shopping - The Dangers of Late Night TV

Do you suffer from insomnia? Do you ever find yourself awake at 2:00 a.m. with no hope of sleep?  Your favorite tv stations have all transitioned for the evening (or is it morning?) to infomercials.

As you lie in bed trying not to wake your partner, you watch these wizards on tv work their magic with their wonderful tools and you  think,  I could use of those.  Or..maybe two...I could get one for the kids.

Everything looks amazing at 2:00 a.m.

The saving grace, for me at least, is that my purse with my wallet and my bank card in  it, is in the living room, and I don't want to get up and walk to get it.  Also I'm trying to be quiet so as not to wake anyone, so talking on the phone wouldn't really work. Besides my phone is charging in the kitchen and its cold, I don't want to leave my warm bed.

Here are some of the things I've seen on TV this week:

Perfect Tortilla Pan    only $10.95 plus S&H   Eggies $4.99 plus S&H

Perfect Meatloaf $14.99 plus S&H   The 'Ove' Glove  $19.95 plus S&H

 Furniture Fix $14.95 plus S&H  Sticky Buddy  $9.95 plus S&H

And not to forget but instead pay special honor to:

Insta Hang; Dryer Balls; Liquid Stitch: The Trendy Top; Topsy Turvy: Miracle Socks; The Glove Lite; and of course we can all use a Sofa Butler.

The most amazing thing is, that these infomercials and HSN networks do most of their business in the wee morning hours. Between Twilight and Dawn. Its almost predatory if you think about it.  Preying on people in their most vulnerable sleep deprived moments. 

But those Eggies and that Meatloaf sure do look useful. :)


  1. I saw that Tortilla maker thing last week and thought how cool! I swore I needed one..But than I started thinking that I could make the same thing in some pan I already have, and wouldn't it still taste the same? The one I debated ordering is the Mr Pillow. http://www.mypillow.com/ It sure looked awesome. I still want one, but couldn't they reduce the price just a little? Geez.

  2. I have fallen victim to infomercials, more times than I care to admit. : )

    1. lol, one mans moment of weakness makes goodwill happy. :) Blame it on sleep deprivation. You weren't in your right mind.
