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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sounds We Love, and Sounds we Don't

I was on the train on my way to work this morning and wondering why I don't use it more often.  With the price of Gas it would certainly be more efficient and budgetary conscious.  It takes less time and stress and even with the new fares is still 1/2 the price and hassle of parking downtown.  So is that extra 10 minutes of sleep really worth it?

Then I found an added benefit, it actually gave me time to think. To observe the people around me and it was certainly food for fodder.

As the Train rounded the corner by union station and the rails against the wheels let out an ear piercing screech and wine, I thought about sounds that we love, and sounds we hate.  Here are a few.  Feel free to add your own. :)

Sounds I love:
1.) Waves crashing against rocks.
2.)  Rain hitting against windows, and coming through the trees and touching down on the roof.
3.)  The sound of people walking in snow, or the silence of snow falling (I know not really a sound, but sometimes the absence of sound can also be beautiful and soothing).
4.)  Babies laughing.
5.)  Birds chirping, and crickets too. Oh and the sound of frogs in the distance on a warm summers night.
6.)  A fire crackling.
7.)  People laughing.
8.)  Leaves crunching beneath your feet.
9.)  Cats purring.
10.)  Church bells in the distance.
11. ) The sound of a violin played well.
12.) A creek or brook steadily flowing over rocks through the woods.
13.) The soft and steady breathing of a sleeping child.
14. ) The docent chimes of a Grandfather Clock
15.) The Tumble of Clothes Dryer

Sounds I Hate:
1.)  Nails on a chalkboard (who doesn't).
2.)  Someone throwing up.
3.)  A car alarm or horn.
4.)  A dentist’s drill.
5.)  Someone spitting, or sniffling.
6.)  A yappy dog.
7.)  Screaming babies or children.
8.)  Someone talking with their mouth full.
9.)  Teeth grinding.
10.)  A knife grinding on a plate.
11.) The sound of the train wheels grinding on the rails.
12.) Screeching tires
13.) Sirens
14.) The clicking of a pen
15.) A fire Alarm

Maybe next time I'll do smells we love and hate.  But today it's sounds because the train inspired me so.


  1. I've always hated the sound of someone sharpening a knife on a rock or a knife sharpener. It gives me the willies. I also hate the sound of the house heater because I see dollar signs..haha...Just kidding..I love the sound of thunder, but I am afraid of the lightning.I like to hear birds chirping but crickets annoy me. I like the sound of a clicking pen. Or maybe I just like to click the pen. I like the sound of a wagon wheel or stroller as it goes over gravel and rocks. I hate the sound of cats fighting outside at night. Creepy. I LOVE the sound of tap dancing.

  2. Hate: nail clippers and nail file (only when used by someone else), whistling, someone scuffing their feet, constant peeping noise like the McDonalds fryer, when someone pounds the mouse button (be gentle, it works just the same), constant sniffling (blow it already), the sound of someone else's headphones,and leaf blower.

    1. Oooo, good ones. The pounding mouse button and nail clippers are particularly grating. And nothing is more gross than a snot swallower, better known as the sniffler.
