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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Off Duty Signs.....

So as I was enjoying my weekend I experienced and epiphany and thought, wow, who knew.

I realized that I spend so much time on the computer for work throughout the week, that when the weekend arrives, I have no desire, inclination, drive,  or whatever other term you can imagine, to get on the computer.

As much as I love and appreciate my social network, and Facebook stalker time, blogging, and general trolling of the web for interesting tidbits,  I just can't bring myself to sit at the computer.  Any updates I receive over the weekend come in via iPhone.  No I know I can do almost anything with my iPhone that I can do with my computer in the Social Network and Blog worlds,  but its such a pain in the posterior.  Have you ever tried typing an entire blog post on your iPhone?  I have.  And it's not easy. :)

So I started thinking about other career choices where people shut it off when they are Off Duty.  I picture in my head a virtual OFF Duty sign flashing.

So the gardener or professional landscaper, does beautiful work for you.  He is an artist and your lawn is his canvas, his masterpiece,  but when he gets home, he has not wish or desire to pull weeds, to mow, to trim the hedge, or  fertilize the grass.  There is your home and his home.


The Professional House Painter knows his craft.  He knows the colors that work best with the design of your home and he is instrumental is raising the resale prices in your neighborhood.  Unfortunately, for his neck of the woods, by the time he gets home,  he has no desire the lift a paintbrush or scrape and eave.  A house in his neighborhood can be had for a discount, since the values have taken a dive because of his dilapidated eyesore.  

Likewise the maid keeps your house clean and her home is a monster sized dust bunny.  

I'm sure there are many more but the point is, that when you spend your waking hours doing something , even if you love it, day in and day out, sometimes you just can't bring yourself to do it at home. 

Some exceptions to the rule are professions of great ego and education.  Doctors for instance can't pass up an opportunity to show off their first aid and medical prowess.  Lawyers, are always looking for an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to win an argument and present their case for why they are always right.  Politicians are always schmoozing and you never know when they are genuine.  Scientists will never bypass a chance to demonstrate their theoretical advanced knowledge of the origin of man, peanut butter, or the antimatter. 

I love my job, I love my social network, and I have come to REALLY love blogging, but if I disappear now and again on the weekend, consider it my recharging time, like an electric car, or that robot VICKI from that obscure Saturday mornings TV show 20 years ago. Check in on me, I may be here, but if I'm not,  you can be sure I'll return on Monday with a million more chaotic thoughts and sometime controversial opinions.

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