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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Equal Rights for ALL

It's so hard to believe and even fathom that in the year 2012, we are still debating and toggling back and forth over equal rights for ALL.

We have moved from equal rights for all races, to equal rights for men AND women, but we still haven't embraced and built the infrastructure for equal rights based on creed and sexual preference.  I shouldn't be surprised, given that out prior efforts and commitment to equality for women and or based on race are not actually embraced wholeheartedly from top to bottom throughout this country. Women, though many are breadwinners in their respective households, still make less than their male counterparts. And race remains an issue in many parts of the country.  So why should I be surprised that acceptance and rights for people of different sexual preferences and freedom from persecution based on religion, are absent.  They are ideas, supported by many, but not enforceable.  We still debate the legalities of same sex marriage and health coverage for domestic partners. We still see prejudice and cruelty towards others who are Muslim, Buddhist, and even Jewish.

Are we so closed minded, and devolved that we can't  observe and recognize the damage we do by segregating and isolating the basic rights as a country which should be available to all?

Rather you agree with the choices of your neighbor or not, they are still your neighbor.  I have an amazing and diverse group of friends and acquaintances and I love each of them for the person they are. Gay or Straight, Buddhist or Mormon,  they are all people, they should all have rights and freedoms, and they should all be treated to EQUALITY.  Marry who you love, worship what you believe, and RESPECT always those around you.  Its not up to me to judge or decide who is worthy and who is not.  I don't have the answers and neither do you.  The best I can do, is to love without limit and support the RIGHT of  everyone else to do the same.

When you have the opportunity to speak up and fight for whats right, do it. . Step off that moral high horse generations before us built, and look at your neighbor, your friend, your brother, your cousin, your co-worker, your child, your parent, yourself...underneath all that is different and unique, you are the same, human, and worthy of Respect and equality and the freedom to be who you are. 

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