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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Drive

It's been a while since we took a Sunday Drive.  Usually my weekends are reserved for sleeping in , very late, and then getting up to take care of those pesky chores that don't get done during the work week.  You know, lawn work, and the like.

But today we woke up early with the determination to take a lovely drive up the Columbia Gorge. The idea was that we would take our annual Fall Foliage pictures before the winds got too high and the trees were stripped naked.  We were optimistic as we started our drive with detour through Straucks drive through where we grabbed two ham and cheese artisan sandwiches a grande mocha and grande chai tea (the Chai was mine,  YUM!!)

As we made our way through town to the gorge, we gained a sneaking suspicion that we may have been a bit off schedule. A little too early.  The trees lining the streets in town did not appear to be in fall color yet, barely beginning to show signs of change.  We stayed positive, that there was still hope that perhaps the gorge would show us something more. Alas as we reached Highway 84 and made our way further and further up the river, it was clearly not going to be the photo opportunity we had expected.  We made it to Multnomah Falls before turning around.  It was a short Sunday drive, but nice anyway. It was actually pleasant to wake up and start the day before it was already half over. We had coffee and breakfast and it was worth it.  We mapped out a few visual points that will be key next week or the week after when we do finally go. 

As soon as I have the Fall pictures, you will know because I will post them.

If you have any falls traditions that you enjoy, share them with me.  Tell me what is special to you, what you love about fall.  I would love to know and maybe it will spark some new ideas for me to try.
This is a photo I took in 2010 just outside of Battle Ground, Washington while on a Sunday morning drive.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that lake photo is beautiful. Sounds like you had a nice Sunday Drive even if you didn't see too many trees changing color yet. They have started here, but they still have a ways to go. I remember going to the Multnomah Falls 30 plus years ago with Janet.
