About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What is the Price of Friendship?

I have been fortunate throughout my life to have found many wonderful people who I am honored to call friends. So..What is the Price of Friendship, thats a really hard question to answer , because my immediate response is that there is no price.  Friendship, TRUE friendship is priceless.

I consider myself fiercely loyal and intensely protective of those in my inner circle and radiating outwards. As a friend there is nothing I won't do to help, if it is within my powers.  I am not affluent enough to loan money to people, and I am of the beleif that money is rarely if ever the root of the problem. If you can solve the riddle and find the real source of an issue,  then the economics will resolve themselves.  You've heard the saying , "You can lead a horse to water...".  I cherish my friendships, each one is different and special in its own realm. Thus, I am the friend who is there night or day if you need an ear, a shoulder, some sage advice, assistance emotionally or physically or educationally.  If you just need to talk, my ears are yours.  If you need to cry, my shoulders are strong and I'll bring tissues. If you need advice, I will impart what wisdom I have without limit and without judgement. If you need help moving, or shopping, or cleaning, call me, I will put on my grubbies and come help.  If you are sick and in need of a meal, I can provide. If you need help learning the computer, understanding your technology, or figuring out your finances,  I am happy to help and provide what ever direction you ask for.  I will  never intrude or assume I am needed, but if you simply ask I will answer.

Without my priceless friends,  there are many times in my life that would have been much harder, much sadder, much darker.  I am grateful and I cherish each one.

Unfortunately, there are a few who have come and gone, and I am sure there will be others, who don't view friendship as priceless.  They see it as opportunistic.  Friends to these people are a means to an end.  They are valued for what they can give to the recipient, and once that value is depleted then the friendship is dissolved. Friends to this group are disposable.  And it makes me sad because I have been their friend and saw them as priceless.

What is the price of friendship? For some it's a job promotion stolen through a knife in the back after absorbing knowledge and valuable mentoring.  For some it's money, stolen or misused, rather $5, $80, or $500, it is money taken unintended and without regard.  For some its a boyfriend, or a best friend, or a husband. It could be clothing borrowed, belongings taken, or a hurtful harsh exchange of words not forgiven. For me, friendship, however complicated, however many come and go, will always be priceless. I will always give my best, give my all, give my heart.

Some will break it, some will cherish it, some will simply fade away, and others will last forever.


  1. I think last night you were my fix this damn blog for me friend. Can't put a price on that one..lol...Thanks again.

    1. I think that falls under computer and technology. :) Anytime my friend. Anytime. :)
