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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, January 14, 2013

A case of the Grochies

This weekend was not filled with monumental tasks requiring great energy or deep thought. It was not encumbered by herculean efforts of importance, it was a simple weekend, filled with grocery shopping and book reading and an overwhelming case of the Grouchies.

I can't explain it. I acknowledge that the grocery shopping was a bit on the extreme side, not so simple....and the weather, though clear and dry was bitter cold, in fact the mercury never got high enough for the white crunchy coating on the lawn to soften and fade.

But the grouchies were the prevalent and primary villain in our house this weekend. They were like a virus, spreading from one host to another, and they were relentless.  It took great effort this weekend to avoid major conflict and to hold our tongues. Everything seemed to strike a chord of irritation. Your breathing too loud...Why are you looking at me like that......who left a fork in the sink.......I was sitting there first......

Perhaps it was the ever present threat of the cold/flu virus circulating. It hit Jeff with its full impact and I continue to fight it with everything I have, symptoms hover at the edge but haven't taken full force hold. Perhaps it was my hormones setting the whole house on edge, I am still struggling to get a grip on how to handle the increasing unpredictability of surges they create. Perhaps it was cabin fever created by the need to hunker down and stay inside as much as possible to avoid the bitter cold. Whatever, the cause, the entire house was on edge.

The Broncos lost, and even I was ranting at the television as if they could hear me. The Seahawks lost, and Jeff's mood reflected it.  My Oikos yogurt was crushed in the grocery bag, and I almost threw an aneurysm over it. Every thing and nothing became a source of irritation.

We simply faced a weekend of the most extreme grouchies ever, but here is the positive. We came out of our weekend relatively unscathed. We managed our irritations without any major implosions or explosions, and we awoke to face a new Monday and a new week with hopefully better attitudes and outlook.

The Grouchies usually don't take us all hostage at once, and its easier to fight them when we have a team of positive attitudes taking them down. But this weekend, they showed no mercy and we had to fight to avoid casualties. I think we did pretty good. 


  1. Well, at least you got some reading done...lol

    1. LOL. Indeed. Now if only I could convince someone else in the house to put a new roll of TP on when the old one runs out, all would be well with the world. :)

    2. If that someone is the other twin, don't count on it. lol

  2. Yeah, what Nancy said! I think that everyone can relate to the grouchies at one time or another! :)

    1. So true, Usually its one person or another, but this weekend it was all or nothing. :)
