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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Superhero Powers

Taking a page from Flight or Flavor I decided to further my investigation about superpowers.

I have already determined that the power of flying is not worth sacrificing the sense of taste, but what if there were NO sacrifice and you could chose any one superpower to be yours, what would you want?

 Well, I think I will still pass on flying. The idea , even if Red Bull gave me wings, of sharing the airspace with planes, and birds, and lightning storms, and planes dumping their poo tanks, and such.  Still not all that appealing. I have an aversion to being too cold, and I understand that it gets pretty chilly up there. Maybe in a rocket ship someday orbiting the earth, but a cape and tights,  hmmm, I think I'll pass.

Telekinesis would be interesting. I would no longer have to ask the boys to bring me a diet coke or take the trash out. I could open doors without ever having to touch the germ laden handles, or feed the dogs without the smell of kibble on my hands. Interesting and tempting.  But then, is it really a superpower, or just Stephen King, Carrie, crazy woman throwing knives and setting the gymnasium on fire? Intriguing though it is, this power would take lazy to an all new level, never the mind the risk involved if I  get angry.Takes the expression "throwing daggers" to an all knew level.

X-Ray Vision just seems boring. I'm not really all that interested or enthusiastic about seeing whats beneath the clothes of 99% of the worlds population.Clothes were invneted for a really good reason, most people are really hideous without them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I do not want to beholden anyone else. If I really want to see what's under there, I can visit a nudist colony, and truthfully, that's not really all that inspiring. I think my retch factor is far to sensitive for this power. On the plus side, it could reveal whats in the Christmas present under the tree, but I just don't see a widespread valuable application for it.

Super-speed sounds awesome, but would there be long term effects to internal organs and equilibrium like astronauts and supersonic plane pilots experience?  Can my brain take the stress of super sonic travel? Would it be like shaken baby syndrome with my brain knocking about inside my skull. I have too much to lose, what would the world do if I went stupid?

Teleportation, I love this one. Close my eyes and be instantly transported anywhere in the world.  Oh the possibilities.  But what happens if I start daydreaming?  Explain that to my boss. Well...you see its like this.....How do I control it. Would intense dreams at night take me to dark and scary places?

Thermal powers, might be interesting but as a pre-menopausal woman, I am already experiencing hot flashes, and let me just tell you.....they are not fun.  I don't see how having thermal flashes could be beneficial in any way other than starting a pagan bonfire to the gods.  And that just doesn't happen often enough to make the power useful.

Invisibility, the power to walk through walls, indestructibility, super strength, aquatic gills, the power to read minds, bionic hearing or sight, leaping buildings in a single bound, spidey senses, harnessing energy, the ability to ferret out the truth, the ability to project a sense of euphoric calm on others, and this, and that, and the other.......the possibilities are as endless as the imagination. But here is what I really want.......

I want to be able to project a shield, a bubble if you will, that encompasses me at will and filters out all the noise and chaos and bull poopie.  I want to be able to shield myself and those I love if necessary, from pain and illness, sorrow and just general crap. I want to be able to guard against the bad seeds and super villains and to enjoy my life stress and drama free. I understand challenge builds character, but at 45, I have all the character I need. Now I just want to sit down, open a bottle of Shiraz, drink my wine, read a good book, watch something entertaining or thought provoking on TV or Netflix, share the company of my man, my kids, and occasional great friends, and be happy. That's my super power.

Whats yours?


  1. I don't know if it would be called a super power, but I would want the ability to heal people with my hands. How amazing would that be?

    1. I think that would be an excellent super power. !
