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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cough Cough..Ahchoo..Blow..Pump (Sanitize)

Yes its flu season and I got nabbed by my first real virus last week. I am VERY careful with my health and work hard to do everything I can to avoid getting sick. I wash my hands, and I wear gloves in public, I avoid hugs and even close proximity to others who are in the throws of bug, and I usually do pretty good. But....no one can avoid it forever.

As I accept this Oscar for the role as the recently stricken and ailing but courageous hard working single mother of two sons, I want to thank my partner Jeff, for sharing his germs and sleepless nights with me.  Without him I wouldn't be the sick woman I am today.  Cheers, Baby! And thanks for taking all the medicine in the house!

In all seriousness, the best thing we can all do for those we love and care about, and even those we don't know or give a crap about second glance to as we walk down the street or up the aisles in the cubicle neighborhoods of our offices, is to be considerate enough NOT to share our germs.

Step one, and the most important step of all, Hand Sanitizer! I can't say enough about the value of sanitizer. Oh, if I only owned stock in Purell! I keep one on my desk, one in my purse, and one in my car at all times pretty much throughout the year, because, lets face it, people are giant walking germ magnets all the time. But during flu season they are like walking gorilla warfare, because those germs strap on armor and grenade belts and show no mercy, take no prisoners, show no favor.

Step two, may be more difficult, especially when your boss says "...we are in year end closing and there will be no approved time off.."...but if possible, stay home. Confine your germs within your own four walls. And, so that you don't infect the rest of your household, disinfect and isolate. Sleep alone, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, wash your hands, and when your through, wash them again. Every time you cough or sneeze use hand sanitizer. Don't touch anyone else food or drink. and when your feeling better, launder your bedding including your pillow cases.

If you are really serious about avoiding the bug, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of staying well.

Use sanitizer on your phone headset, your ear phones, your computer keyboard, your car steering wheel. Don't touch doorknobs and handrails without gloves or some kind of protective barrier. Avoid public transit if you can, but if you can't, try wearing a turtle neck or scarf and use them to cover your mouth and nose during the ride. Not only will they help filter out the germs but you might find they help to filter out the wet musty smell of the creep sitting across the aisle (I know your thinking its like I'm right there with you, freaky right?). Don't shake hands or share hugs with casual acquaintances. Even if they are healthy, you never know who they just came in contact with.  You know what they say about sex partners, and sleeping with everyone your partner has slept with by proxy? Well,  same concept goes with the flu bug.  Gross without a doubt!

I heard yesterday that this respiratory bug has a cough that last at least 18 days!  I am only on day 7, and ready to kick rocks!   In 11 more days, I may not have any friends or loved ones left, because my cranky factor rises with each hack and thus so does the phenomenon of nuclear reactive flu induced psychosis.  That's gonna be my defense in court. I just made it up but I think it could catch on.

Anyway......................................................sorry I had to pause for a coughing fit.......Here's to staying healthy and doing our part to keep others healthy too. I'll do what I can, hope you will join me.


  1. At least you are on day 7 and on the mend. And I can't have enough Purell everywhere also. But it has to be the clear one. I want to smell like alcohol, not perfume. lol This past Saturday we were at the casino and I was sitting at a slot machine minding my own business and some dude comes and sits right next to me, sneezes, and than sniffles and coughs. OMG, I couldn't get away from him fast enough. I am thinking I might be safe since it has been 3 nights now. How long does a cold take to get? And did you get your flu shot?

  2. I saw on the news this morning about a new norvo stomach virus that is resistant to purell. YIKES! Now what am I gonna do? :) LOL

  3. Joel had the regular flu (which he got a shot for), then Von got the Norvo, then Joel got the Norvo....and what did I get? The 18 day cough. On the tail end of Joel's norvo....I spent the entire day sanitizing the house. As annoying as the cough, stuffy nose (which only lasted a day) and the loss of voice is to have....I'd take it over puking and pooping myself into a 10 pound weight loss. Wait, I would like to lose 10 pounds.

    1. This actually made me LITERALLY Laugh Out Loud. I'm sure there are easier ways to lose 10 pounds! Cleaning your bathroom must have been fun! LOL
