About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, January 4, 2013

I heard from you today...

Sharon, I heard from you today and it made me smile.

That brief conversation, the simple gesture of reaching out inspired me and buoyed my spirits. Perhaps it is one more sign that the new year has brought a turning of the pages so to speak as I start a new chapter and close out the old.

As with any relationship, especially that of sisters,  we have experienced our highs and lows. But I am ever diligent in my faith that you and I will always find our way back. Across distance and time, its important you know I love you and want only for you to be happy. You deserve to be happy.

You sounded good today, fulfilled and whole. Sometimes a fresh perspective is all it takes to begin anew. You got your fresh start. Sometimes it the big things that change us, but more often than not,  its a conglomeration of all the little things.

I look forward to laughing with you or just bending your ear now and again when I need reassurance that I'm not crazy. Although,  if I am crazy, feel free to call me on it.  I just look forward to having someone to talk with.

I know that on the surface we have little in common, but its those differences that will bring us together and make life interesting. The differences challenge us to see life through a different looking glass, and to open ourselves to new ideas.  I can honestly say that my  closest friends and I are all very unique and different  and yet we find common interests that bring us shared memories and great experiences.

I don't expect us to always agree, but I think we can always respect each others ideas and thoughts enough to support each other through whatever lies ahead. 

I am honored to be your sister, and your friend, and I look forward to sharing our lives with each other through conversation and laughter and tears and the comfort of knowing we are never alone.

I love you.  Thank you for calling me today.


  1. That is nice to hear about. It is never too late to start talking. It made my day too!

    1. I've had my brother Rodney in my life for a while now, but reconnecting with Sharon is a big step and a definite plus. I'm very optimistic.

    2. We need "Like" buttons on these blogs. I've seen comments from your brother Rodney a lot on facebook, and he seems like a very nice caring man.

    3. Like buttons would be awesome!!!!!! And he is.....;)
