About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Snap, Crackle, Pop......

As I rolled over in bed this morning to snuggle up to the human furnace otherwise known as Jeff, I heard a crack. It was loud enough to startle me and then I realized as I wiped the sleepy haze from my eyes,  that it was just my neck.  It may have sounded as though I broke it and alarm bells should be screeching, but it was just one of many sounds I am quickly coming to accept and expect from the joints in my body.

Lets face it, we all get older and as we do the creeks and cracks set in, along with a few aches and pains, and dare I say wrinkles. I get new and interesting cracks and creeks on a daily basis now. I am my own personal symphony. A one woman band you might say. Perhaps I could start my own Broadway show, or at least make a few bucks like the guy who plays the harmonica standing on the corner in Pioneer Square.

The cacophony of sounds that comes from my neck, shoulders, fingers, wrist, elbows, hips,  knees, ankles, & back, is a new kind of harmony. You name it... it goes snap, crackle, and pop.

I am discovering that bones or joints which were injured when I was younger, are now stiff and difficult to maneuver in the morning, after a long time sitting or lying down, in the cold, or generally after any period of sedentary function.

I require assistance to upright myself after sitting on the floor for any reason, for any period of time. My legs, feet, arms and hands fall asleep quite frequently, but not always when they should and not always at the most opportune times.   

There are benefits to getting older too.. like the young man on the train who graciously offers his seat up so that I can sit down. But I don't look forward to the pain in my hands and wrists and neck and feet and toes and knees and elbows and hips and back, as I slip ever so gradually into the stage of my life when things take more time and effort than ever before.

I will go graciously and with style because I see no other option. Fighting it will get me nowhere but to the ever growing township of discontent - population - Booming. I think I would rather embrace the next stage of life with open arms and make the most of it.

I may not be as spry and plucky as I used to be, but I am still enjoying every day. So if your very quite and you listen closely, you might hear my symphony as it reaches crescendos throughout each day or perhaps you can conduct your very own.


  1. Ha Ha Can I join your band? I could add a lot to the beat of the drums.

    1. Maybe we can go on tour. There are a few places I would love to see and I'm sure we can find some quirky restrooms in our travels. :)
