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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Trafficking in Stolen Goods

In the midst of my morning rituals today, with the television on ABC for my local morning news followed by Good Morning America, I once again found myself simply shaking my head in disbelief as my jaw dropped to the floor and the toothpaste ran down my chin.

I know that life remains tough for a lot of people in our country and that employment and economic struggles continue to plague millions. I understand that sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. And therein lies the rub.....apparently the TIDE is changing and we are ALL going to find ourselves WISKed away while a very small group of self professed FABulous albeit illegal entrepreneurs stand to GAIN a hefty profit while the rest of us suffer.

That's right folks, laundry soap is going black market.  That coffee stain and those sweat stains, may soon become a permanent part of your wardrobe unless you are very wealthy or willing to eat top ramen for a month as you sacrifice your grocery budget to barter a deal.. There is a new rampage making its way across the nation as thieves run through the markets stealing thousands of dollars worth of laundry soap and selling it out of the back of double parked nefarious black vans for twice the going market price.

What are we coming to? How far have we fallen when Laundry Soap finds itself in the same light as stolen kidneys and home electronics? This is comical but sad at the same time. Whats next Toilet Paper and Toothpaste? (never-mind, already there.....)

In December there was an organized retail theft ring targeting Walmarts and walking away with tens of thousands of dollars worth in laptop computers. Oddly enough,  at least this makes sense. But Laundry Soap? 

I was intrigued by the idea that there could even be a demand in the consumer market for thefts like this to actually pay off, so I googled 'Organized Retail Theft' and was shocked at the information I found.  Paper Plates, Plastic Forks, and even a Flat bed truck full of Lard. Loads of Sand and Empty Juice bottles, you name it, they steal it, and there IS a market for it.  It may not be as profitable as illegal drugs or high end electronics or cars, but there is still a profit to be turned.

Here is my pledge to the American economy...I will not buy stolen goods, laundry soap, lard (as-if?), or plastic forks. Though I am not a huge fan of the industry giants, I am a fan of America and I support the most basic premise of our trade structure.  I am a gal who can appreciate and even love a little anarchy now and then, but if we give in to the organized theft rings, we become hostages, bartering our blood sweat and tears for the most basic resources.

1 comment:

  1. That is just crazy...Now we have to hoard laundry soap just in case? lol
