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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Meant to Be...Kismet

As I wrote the other day, I am not a fan of overindulgence on Valentines day.  I think its important to acknowledge and express love throughout the year. However, having said that, I do think its nice to take that special occasion every now and then to set aside the time to just celebrate love.

My Jeff is a man of few words.  He doesn't like to talk about his feelings or his emotions.  He tells me several times every day that he loves me, but we live our lives easy going and without the trumpets and string quartets.  Because of this, I know that when he takes the time and effort to bring me flowers, or buy me a card, or do something really sweet and romantic, it means something. He puts his heart into it and I know that its important.

Jeff and I have been together for 7 years.  We have built a good life together and have realized that sometimes life makes sense of nonsense.  Like all good love stories, Jeff and I have had our moments. We met as teenagers, full of ideals and visions of what we wanted our lives to be. We had a date, that's right a single awkward date, but this cute quiet shy boy, was too quiet for little miss motor mouth social butterfly and we seemed mismatched. We shared a single kiss and then we parted ways and moved on to marry, have children, divorce, and grow up (not necessarily in that order).

Jeff and I saw each other briefly in the late 90's and discovered, to both our surprise, that even then, there was a spark between us. Life was complicated at that time,  and ultimately fate still had not come full circle, but the stars were beginning to align, unbeknownst to me. Jeff says now, that though I couldn't see it, he knew in his heart that we would land side by side someday.  That short interlude had opened a window, and so.. he waited quietly.

Time warp to 2006 and after having arrived in the NW, with my two children in tow, only weeks before, I received a call one Friday night that surprised me and changed my world forever. He had waited. Patiently and with great faith he had waited. He knew before I ever did that somehow we were fated. He let me drive the pace and allowed me to take it one step at a time through friendship and dating and then one day without my even realizing it, we were US. Just US.  It was natural, it was right, and it was good.

Over the last seven years Jeff has given me two cards a year, one for my birthday and one for Valentines Day...He uses these opportunities to tell me what is in his heart.....when words simply elude him.  I have kept, and hold close to my heart, each card he has given. They are each perfect. He takes the time and puts the effort in to finding each one, and they are all treasures to be cherished.

This years card was no exception.  In essence it eloquently sums up our relationship to a tee. Even though we drive each other crazy sometimes and those little things get on each others nerves...even though sometimes we shake our heads and say what the hell......in the big picture, we work. We get each other. We understand each other like no one else can. We laugh like idiots and share the same sense of humor sometimes twisted. We finish each others sentences and play off each others thoughts. We support each other emotionally and physically through the trials of life and we back each other up, lending strength  and encouragement when needed. We are a team in all we do.  We love each other and we love US. We are better together than apart and we bring out the best each other has to offer.

I love my Jeff and I am a lucky woman that he loves me too. It doesn't take Valentines day to say it, but it is the perfect day to acknowledge how loved I am.

Some things are meant to be....its Kismet....and I am blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I have a man of few words too! And this man doesn't talk about his feelings or emotions either. But he does call me 3 times a day. Every day for the past 10-15 years.
    I use to ask him if he loved me, and he would look at me and say, "If I didn't, I wouldn't be here" lol
