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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Wake Up Calls

You know the term. Its the hotel travel version of a living alarm clock. That pleasant voice of the concierge or desk clerk, depending on your budget, telling you good morning and its time to get your day started. But Wake Up calls come in many different shapes and sizes.

They can be very personal, or broad reaching across a span of individuals.

Wake Up calls are not just about making that 7:30 a.m. flight, they are about making it through life and coming out on top, learning and growing as you go.

You have to pay attention though. Otherwise they are likely to buzz right past you and you won't recognize what they were until its too late.

Wakeup calls can come disguised as a pain your side, (or your rump, or your eye). They can be health related and shake you to your core making you realize life is a gift so enjoy it while you can. Stop eating a pound of butter a day!

Wakeup calls can come in the form of an emotional crisis or test, causing you to take stock in your situation and make course corrections before its too late.

Sometimes a wakeup call is about helping you to realize wasted energy and efforts that are weighing you down. Put down the dumbbells down and walk away.

Some of the most significant changes in our lives, that take us to a better place, start out scary. They send alarms ringing through our ears and all around us and can literally start a panic. Just like any good alarm should, they are there to get your lazy butt up and to motivate you.

Pay attention! Stand up, pull your grown up pants up, wipe the sleep out of your eyes, and face your new world, a new day, with a fresh perspective, new drive, and an appreciation for where you've been , where you are, and where you have yet to be. 

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