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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Life is Serious Enough - Live Silly

When your a child, all you know is play. You get to be silly all the time and the world looks at you and says "How cute is that."

As you move into adolescence you are repeatedly reminded to enjoy being young while you can. "Don't grow up too fast", "Slow down, you have your whole life to be a grown up". When you're 16 you cant wait to be a grown up. To have the freedom of making your own rules and doing what you want. But, and I say this in all truth, its never as much fun as you imagine it.  When your 16 you look at all your peers and you identify those you see as childish and immature because they are sometimes silly and pranksters. When your 16 all you want is to be an adult.

I am 45 and have learned across space and time that being an adult does not have to mean being serious all the time. I am responsible for so much on a daily basis that without an outlet I would simply be consumed by the weight I bear on my shoulders and I would cease to exist as a vibrant and engaging woman.  That's right VIBRANT and ENGAGING....just go with me on this one...don't judge.

Between professional woman, mom, chauffeur, financial consultant, accountant, maid, nurse, psychologist, wife, friend, veterinarian, personal shopper, chef, and an array of many many other roles, I find it necessary to be silly for no other purpose than simply to stay young, and..oh yes...Sane!. I wear many hats, but my favorite hat is any one that makes me smile and inspires a smile in someone else.

I am fortunate enough to have a partner at this stage of my life who not only embraces the silly but encourages and even participates in it.  Unlike, my ex who repeatedly reminded me when the occasional silly slipped "Oh grow up".......my partner wonders whats wrong when the silly doesn't shine through.

I look for the ridiculous, the abnormal, the absurd, and the random all around me, and I watch it unfold with wonder and awe.  I refuse to become stagnant in my middle years, boring myself to tears.  I want to laugh, at life's unexpected and roll with whatever challenges it brings.

Oh to be 5 and have nothing to worry about except what I want to play with and when moms going to feed me or make me take a bath. To be 16 and to have all the time in the world to be social and have the energy to run from one experience to the next. I know and accept that I am neither 5 or 16, but I will always make time for joy and playfulness. I may not have the energy or exuberance of my16 year old self, but I have something 16 year old me didn't....I have heart and wisdom and an appreciation for the moments which I no longer allow to pass me by unappreciated.

Don't grow old too fast....stay young...stay silly, and remember to laugh and live. Each day is a gift, don't let your last moment be that of a sourpuss.


  1. Silly is fun and it seems that we are always being silly. Or would that be just plain weird? I love to do things on the spur of the moment and that makes me laugh and be silly.

    1. Silly and weird are not the same. Silly = good, weird = the heebie jeebies. LOL
