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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Say what you Mean and Mean what you Say

Have you ever known someone who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.  They spout all the right platitudes about love, forgiveness, family, etc... but its just words.  They stand on their pulpit and say all the right things, but have no intent to ever truly follow through or be accountable to the covenants they speak.  It's the equivalent of crossing their fingers behind their backs so that they can call out "just kidding".
These individuals are usually the most self righteous and judgmental in our populace, though in all fairness, it is a small percentage. They sit back and red flag every flaw and every mistake made by others through subtle critiques and snide comments,  but they fail to recognize or acknowledge their own shortcomings.  They see themselves as better than others and even go so far as to let it slip occasionally publicly, that they think so. 
This is the family member, co worker, neighbor or friend, who calls you an alcoholic for drinking a few drinks now and again, but then they go home and drink every night.  They are the ones who say "we need to make more effort to get to know each other" and then decline every opportunity to do so.  
This is the person who offers counsel to others on any array of topics from health, to family, to raising children, to work ethic, but if you peel back the layers, you discover they have a dark and stormy history of their own which, they have never owned but continually run from.  They make excuses, which when examined more closely are like water sieves, full of holes. They invent imaginary wrongs done to them by others and  justify rejection through the fiction they create.
These are the Hypocrites and Bull Shitter's who sit on their moral pedestals portending to be open minded and noble, but secretly undermine the value and efforts of others.  They can only elevate themselves by tearing down others, but they play the game well enough to manipulate and draw in those who benefit their position and validate their claims.
Here's the truth...We are ALL flawed.  Rejection, Judgement, and Pridefulness are simply fear, jealousy, or weakness, manifested. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am an open book and open door to those who accept me without conditions, all others...the door is closed and the deadbolt latched.
Have you ever known someone who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk? I do. Hypocrites and Bull Shitter's are a dime a dozen, don't be one. Be strong enough to say what you mean and mean what you say and know the difference.

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