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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I have never been an alcoholic or an addict. I think I just don't have the attention span to maintain an addictive personality. Its not a judgement against anyone. I have great empathy and respect for those who struggle with addiction and overcome it, I just have never dealt with it personally.  I do however appreciate some of the mantras they follow in their path to enlightenment and recovery. The Serenity prayer is actually quite inspiring and applicable to so many challenges we all face in life. It is beautiful and if taken seriously can truly result in a comforting peace and calm.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr
I can change my underwear, my hair color, and my shoes. I can change jobs, homes, and even my eye color if I want to thanks to color contact lenses. I can change my toothpaste, my diet, and my morning routine.  These are all things I can change and feel good about them. They are tangible and simple.

I can also change more complex things. I can change the way I handle adversity when it comes my way. I can chose to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. I can chose to change relationships in all aspects of my life, if they make me unhappy or feel unhealthy, by letting them go.  I can change my expectations by accepting reality and letting go of fantasy.  These are all more difficult changes,  but with dedication and effort they too can be accomplished and better my life.

I can accept the things I cannot change. I can't change the weather, so I accept it and find beauty in every season. I can't change other people and the way they chose to see the world and specifically me, so I let them go. I can't change the past, its already happened, and can't be undone, so I chose to hold tight to the hard earned wisdom of its' lessons. I can't change whatever fate has in store for me, though through a series of choices I might be able to alter it, so I run forward with the determination to make every day, every experience worth it.

Life is odd but wonderful, painful but rewarding all at the same time. You can waste years of your life waiting for others to accept you. You can question yourself, your worth, your existence, even your place in life based on the rejection or acceptance of others.   But in the end, the only person who has to accept you, is yourself. If you can look in the mirror each day and see someone worthy, then you are on the path to Serenity. You can't change the hearts of others. Rather family, friend, or simple acquaintance, it is only within your power to change you.  If someone or something causes you to feel bad, change it. Walk away and don't look back.

Serenity is a goal we should all reach to attain. It makes sense in a world fraught with challenge. Change only what you can and accept that which you cannot. Learn to identify which is which and you will be a whole lot happier.

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