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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Circus Project.....

I recently attended an event hosted by Business for Culture and the Arts, a non profit organization in Portland who support the arts in the community through business funding and volunteerism. It's actually quite a successful organization and worthy of the time and efforts it encourages and fosters.

I filled out a survey when I registered for the event indicating where my interests lie and they assigned me three organizations to check in with during the course of the event.

One of my organizations was "The Circus Project".  The table was very busy and the only one of my three assignments I never truly completed, but I did stop by many times.  Because I never truly got the chance to speak with them directly, I googled them to gain a better understanding of who they are and what they do.

The Circus Project is actually a nonprofit that offers circus and performing arts training to homeless and at-risk youths while focusing on personal development, work-study and relationship building -- in short, helping kids get back on track. Worthy indeed.

I was actually inspired and comforted to realize that there are so many programs in our community similar to this with the goal of reaching out and touching the lives of children and young adults who would never otherwise have the opportunity or gift of being introduced to the arts.

O.k.....now on to my blog for the day......The Circus Project......I must confess the name alone conjured images of my home life and sparked my imagination into full speed as I could name the various acts of great danger and challenge I endeavor and face in day to day life. 

We have clowns in cars. Its our own version complete with foul smells, inappropriate humor, a battle for music, talk radio (that would be Jeff), and backseat drivers.

We have Lion Tamers, which in truth could be any one of us as we deal with the bad attitudes of another housemate who has had a bad day at any given moment.

We have stilt walkers (its a reach but my boys are both over 6 feet tall after all). Aerial Feats and Acrobatics as those same boys use only their height and upper body strength to get into the attic instead of waiting for a ladder. Also as part of their Acrobatic act, they like the climbing up on the roof and pretending to battle in a zombiepocalypse with their light sabers and Japanese swords and daggers (tear in my eye, makes a mother proud.....lol). 

There are knives and fire and dog tricks.

Yes...I have my very own Circus Project happening right under my roof. It may not be as altruistic as the Nonprofit organization helping at risk kids and youth, but it is a never ending source of entertainment and death defying feats (you see...sometimes I want to kill someone when I see the black boot marks on my hallway walls).

I wouldn't trade my years in the circus for any thing.  I am the ringmaster and I wear my Hat and tails with pride.


  1. Cute blog! Are any of your dogs a girl? lol

    1. Two are girls two are boys. Nina, the short haired red momma, could easily have been dressed in a tutu and done the dancing dog routine when she was a bit younger before spine issues started to plague her. She probably still could, but would pay for it the next day. Kind of like me walking in 3 inch heeled boots all over Portland and then my calves and chins aching the next day. :) LOL

  2. One of my dogs (male) would totally rock a tutu. He used to have an Elvis cape that he would wear around everywhere, we hardly took it off. My house often resembles the circus when they first arrive to their location. Stuff every where, animals every where, and people every where, trying to organize and clean so they can perform amazing acts. And in my world, thats called "life".

    1. LOL. Behind the scenes at the Brekenridge Circus. I see a reality show in the making. :)
