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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Preserving the Date...Does it Matter?

Remember when you were a little kid and you looked forward to your birthday each year.  You couldn't wait to have friends over, or for the house to be decorated with brightly hued streamers and balloons. You couldn't wait for the cake and ice cream that inevitably accompanied the celebration and the candles waiting to blown out as you made a wish each year.  Birthdays presents in vibrant papers, shiny with bows were waiting for you and your birthday was sacred. It was a day to celebrate being you!

As we get older, birthdays become reminders of the years gone by. They remind us that we are no longer young and that many of our tomorrows have come and gone.  The excitement and joy are replaced with indifference and a general lack of enthusiasm. We want others to remember our birthdays, no body likes to be forgotten, but we don't necessarily embrace the idea of a large celebration.

As adults we frequently find the surprise of a birthday present absent. We know what we have asked for and often help to pick it out.  And therein lies my dilemma today.......

March 29th marks Jeff's 48th birthday.  This weekend we were out and about shopping with my tax return, when I decided.. why not kill two birds with one stone and just take care of his birthday present at the same time? Well, for future reference, why not is simple. It's because if I have a present early he wants it early.  Yes my soon to be 48 year old love of my life has suddenly reverted to his 6 year old self.  He is excited and giddy and turns every conversation into an opportunity to plead his case for an early birthday present. He ever so smoothly slides in his argument any where he can and he plays puppy dog eyes and smiles to help harness the power of his request.

My dilemma is clear, ....endure 26 days of non-stop pleading and make him suffer, or reward his bad behavior and impatience with an early present relying on dinner and private time to highlight the actual birthday itself? What to do?

Part of me wants to give him his present, because I know it will make him smile. But the other part of me wants to make him wait.

Should I preserve the date of his birthday for traditional rules and celebration, or at 48 does it matter as long as someone says happy birthday?


  1. Birthdays aren't as big of a deal for us middle aged. Young, old and milestones are what we celebrate. As a wise person (me) once said: Whatever works for your family. Either way that you choose is okay. :) It doesn't matter what other families do, it's what works for yours. Personally, I wouldn't want to be at your house listening to the pleading! :)

    1. Lol. His arguments are quite entertaining. Some are very logical, and others are purely laugh worthy. I think I'll hold out for a few days, make him work for it, and give it to later in the week.

      LOL. Don't tell him he's going to win. :)

    2. I think you should have to put your camera away until he gets his Kindle! :)IF he didn't know or have a clue to what it was, than yes, save it for his bday. But since he knows what it is, it must make him frustrated not to be able to have it. Maybe get him a different surprise gift for his bday, and wrap it and let him guess what it is for a few more weeks.. You asked...lol

    3. You make a strong and valid point Nancy. :) I might have to give in. :)
