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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Forward....Why?

Spring has sprung and I can feel it in my bones. Its in the air, you can smell it.

The clouds yield way to more frequent blue skies. There is a briskness in the morning air that gives lead to more comfortable albeit still cool but not cold days.  The plumeria, jasmine, and lavender all begin to bloom.  Winter is slowly packing it's bags and heading out, though not without one or two final cold fronts. And days are once again longer.

I love this time of year.  The grass is thick and green and the smell of fresh mowed lawns fills the air.  The daffodils are the first thing to bloom and  they remind me it's time to plant the tomatoes. 

But with spring comes daylight savings time.  Here I am two weeks in and I still haven't found that hour I lost. And that leaves me to question, Why exactly did I lose it? I understand the history of Daylight savings and the ill advised logic that resulted in it (thank you Benjamin Franklin), but why do we continue it still?  Not everyone observes it and that only helps to confuse matters in world time. The hours of sunlight will get longer with the season rather we change the clocks or not. Is it really necessary to adjust the clocks so that we still have light of day at 9:30 p.m.? I am all for setting my clock and leaving it year round. The day is 24 hours no matter how you slice it, and the sun will rise and set, so let it be.  By the way, if anybody finds my lost hour of sleep that happened when time sprang forward, please return it. I could seriously use it.

With spring comes track and field events at the high school. The dogs are shedding their winter coats so when I bathe them the tub turns into a hairy monster. The squirrels are once again running the fence, leaping onto the top of the bird feeder to knock the roof off and eat the seed inside. The ants are coming out of hibernation and exploring the kitchen counter and cupboards as well as the bathroom for nonexistent food sources. Do I kill them or let them carry the message back to their queen that their efforts are futile? If I kill them and they don't make it back, she will just send more. Aww, screw it, I'm killing them. Have you ever noticed that they smell like black licorice when you squash them. Odd.

Spring is about throwing off the heavy covers of winter and making things fresh and light and clean.  This week I will clean out closets, windex the windows, and de-clutter (though I don't really clutter to begin with).

Jeff turns 48 on Friday and our month long celebration will finally draw to a close. It's been fun, but time to move on to another event. Easter is right around the corner. Yet another key sign of spring.

I'm feeling the need for a some lightening of the load and thinning of the cupboards.  I'll get on right on that. What will you do to make thing feel fresh and new this spring?


  1. Missed your posts.....Glad to see you back blogging again.
    First thing I did was to get the car washed last week. We planted a few flowers, only because we were having family here for my mom's bday, but it yells Spring. The big thing that says Spring, is not using the heater 24/7..I can see the lower electric bill as I type....lol

    1. I just took some time to gather my thoughts and reboot. :) Jeff turns 48 on Friday. :) Heater has been off for a few weeks now, mostly....I love Spring. :)
