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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The History Channel...Sunday TV

My Sunday nights just got busier.  AS if my weekend isn't already jam packed enough with  activity and things to do....No I have to sit down and watch two new miniseries...back to back on the History Channel.

First up "The Bible".  Who knew Noah was of Scottish dissent..that accent was unmistakable. :)  Actually unlike many of the productions intended and presented over the years, this portrayal has a very real and gritty feel to it.  They do seem to fast forward in a herky jerky sort of fashion skipping some rather significant details, but I guess if they took the time to tell it all, it could never be done in 10 hours.  So far we have made it through to the end of Moses time.  I appreciate the way they portrayed God's test of Abraham, and the fall of Sodom was also done well. Moses was a little over the top, sort of Charlton Heston inspired I think, but none the less, overall it was done o.k..  I think I'll stick with it and see where it goes as the episodes continue. 

Next up was "Vikings".  This was actually really entertaining. I enjoy this genre of story very much. So I was excited to tune in.  Gabriel Byrne is one of my favorite actors. I think he becomes who he plays. This was no different, he does not disappoint.  I am in all the way for this mini series and hope to see it win recognition for its efforts.

Speaking of Religion, Jeff and I don't ascribe to any congregation at this point of our lives.  Its not that we aren't spiritual, but rather that we are disillusioned with the "business" of organized religion.  We do start every Sunday morning in bed by tuning in briefly to Dr. Charles Stanley and Jeff really likes him. We don't watch the entire broadcast, typically just long enough to understand his message for the week and garner the key points.  It always prompts an intellectual and honest discussion over breakfast for the day.  Yesterday the message was about fear.  How we as a generation were all raised to fear God, fear challenge and adversity, fear the unknown, fear tomorrow, fear death, fear being unforgiven.  The message was about letting go of fear, and understanding that fear only leads to more fear.  Lay it down, put it aside and trust that things will simply work out. They always do.  Jeff really liked this and found it easy to relate to.  We may not migrate to the chapel, but we still tune in for the message and sometimes it connects.

Also speaking of religion, in a bizarre way, last nights episode of "The Walking Dead" had its own religious undertones. The gist being, "the Meek shall inherit the Earth", but that's not always a good thing. It might be because they were too week and unwilling to commit to a purpose or a side in whatever battles lie ahead? AS Morgan said.."The good die, the bad die too, but those of us too weak to decide, we have to live with our choices everyday".  It was a prolific episode in the series, and a turning point for Rick and his misfits.  I think seeing Morgan, woke Rick up from his stupor and gave him a view of who he was becoming if he didn't snap out of his wallowing.  I also enjoyed seeing a softer side of Michon. She almost seemed human when she helped Carl retrieve a family photo for his baby sister. Good season so far. Now it times to take down the Governor. :)

So...I know it sounds like I am a couch potato consumed by TV, but the truth is, I watch it all on the go.  Dashing here and there, cooking, cleaning, helping with homework, you know.....Multitasking. It wouldn't get done without me, but a little mindless entertainment is nice.


  1. Sounds like you have your Sunday night shows all lined up. When do you have time to read? lol I find myself watching shows and reading during the commercials.

    1. That's funny! I have a book on my lap or nearby at all times. I read during commercials, sometimes while watching a show, always during Jeff's Sporting Events, and during the boys Comedy Channel viewing, also in the car as a passenger and occasionally as a driver if traffic is slow (haha that ought to ruffle some feathers) and during nap time as a way to fall asleep. :) LOL Oh yes and lunch time at work. :)
