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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bows or Wreaths, Tinsel or Garland

Its true we all have our own preferences and traditions for celebrating the holiday season. So I thought today I would pose a few of those questions and see how you respond.

  1. Bow or Wreath - Do you adorn your front door, or your fireplace or some other focal wall inside or outside of your home?  I am uncommitted here. I waffle back and forth from year to year between the bow and the wreath.  The one constant is that they are always fresh and hung on my front door to greet any visitor who may come knocking.
  2. Tinsel or Garland - or you may chose nothing at all. The garland can be made from tinsel, cranberries, popcorn, or whatever you desire. The tinsel, sadly these days is usually plastic and has a terrible static cling to it, I would never waste my money. But I have REAL lead tinsel. That's right old world Germany, real lead tinsel. I use it less and less frequently because it is brittle in its old age and breaks easily. It must be handled with care and both put on and taken off one strand at a time, but the weight and shimmer of it  give it a beauty and charm like something rarely seen in homes today. I had to keep an eye on the boys when they were little to make sure no-one put it in their mouth, there is a minor risk of lead poisoning if ingested, but then again, isn't supervising and watching our children just part of being a responsible parent (and pet owner).
  3. Colored  or White - Lights on the tree?  Again I am uncommitted, I like both. I typically by one or the other and use them for years until they begin to fade and burn out and then I replace them. For years and years I had colored but they began to fade so I replaced them with white. Jeff and the boys don't like the white so they will move to the hedges this year and we will once again return to colored lights.
  4. Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning - When do you open your presents? We actually open one present EVERY Christmas Eve and the rest wait until Christmas Morning.  Every year I buy new Christmas PJ's for Everyone! On Christmas Eve we open our PJ's, wear them to bed, and awaken on Christmas Day in our new pajamas as we sit around the tree to open the rest of our gifts.  This has been a tradition since the boys were born and will be the same for all their lives, no matter how old they get, it will expand to wives and grandchildren as they start their own families, and they can always count on new PJ's From me.  Also a new tree ornament every year. 
  5. Order or Eclectic - Is your tree one of matching colors and matching ornaments and everything perfectly spaced or is it like mine, a representation of your life and that of your children through the years. A collection of ornaments, some traditional, some pop culture, some personal interest, some travel, and some hand/homemade. Each ornament tells a story and the tree is very full. As the boys move out and have their own trees they will each take their collection with them and I will have to complete my tree using ornamental bulbs. But for now,  the bulbs are few and ornaments aplenty.
  6. Egg Nog or Cider - Which do you prefer? I am not a fan of Egg Nog. The whole raw egg thing does me in.  I much prefer cider. I even enjoy a crock pot on low with cider brewing all day on a cold winter day at home. The smell of cinnamon and spice wafting through the house is delightful and comforting.  
That should get us started. Share your holiday preferences and tell me more if you have the time. I love hearing of new things, new traditions, new ways to celebrate the holiday.  

Joy to the World. May your Holidays be Happy and Warm.


  1. So did your kids get to open one gift, plus the PJ'S? We also use to let them open one gift on Xmas eve too. Usually something from Grandma or the Aunts, because the Santa gifts came when they were sleeping. Over the past few years, between Rod and I, Jennifer and Tom, and Kris and Nora,we put our names in a dish, pick names and we each buy just one gift now. We still get the kids gifts though.
    #1 neither bow or wreath
    #2 either tinsel or garland. Right now there is nothing lol
    #3 always colored lights. Lg and small lights.
    #4 Christmas morning, but Rod and I don't buy gifts for each other anymore, so usually nothing to open..lol We got to Jennifer's house for dinner on Xmas day and open gifts there.
    #5 free for all on the ornaments
    #6 Egg Nog, but only from the store that has been pasteurized.

    1. Nancy, only the sleepers get opened. That is the the 1 gift. :)

    2. Well, that wouldn't fly in my house..lol...Rod always said that clothes aren't presents..

    3. LOL, That makes me giggle. My kids would woop woop and "Cool" to anything in wrapping paper when they were little, even socks and underwear. :)

    4. Yo Lisa!
      #1) Wreath - with lights!
      #2) Neither tinsel nor garland (but growing up - always tinsel)
      #3) My husband used to rotate; colored lights one year, white the next. Now we have red seed lights (little teeny ones that you can't seem to find anymore) on the inside and white towards the outside of the branches.
      #4) Growing up in So. Cal. we always opened one present on Christmas Eve. This was the gift exchange that took place with the "extended" family that had dinner together every Christmas Eve. The rest of the presents were opened Christmas morning because Santa came during the night - duh.... :)
      #5) Pretty much a free for all as most of our ornaments my husband and I have amassed over the years together are something that respresent either a state, country, trip or outting or sport we have gone to or shared together - there's even a miniture beer keg ornament!
      #6) Neither - well sort of... I make Wassail which is hot apple cider and cranberry juice mixed with all kinds of spices in it. Add rum if you wish - and I wish!
      Happy Holidays & Cheers!


    5. I've had your Wassail and its spectacular. Cheers Indeed!
