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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Anarchy Reigns

A quick blog, I Promise. It was a moment of Anarchy in our house this morning, and it was hysterical.

Every morning we have virtually the same routine. The alarm goes off we hit the snooze button twice, we hear the question of day, remark on how stupid that was (every day it was the stupidest question ever) and we get up as Good Morning America tells us whats on Que for the day. I pick up the pillow shams tossed aside when we went to bed and place them on top of the pillows, Jeff puts the dogs out.

This week, we changed the routine slightly for Jeff. Because of the changes in temperatures, the dogs have decided that they don't like it.  We have indoor plumbing and they want it too, so when they go outside in the mornings, rather than make their way to the cold wet grass to do their business, they go straight from the back door to the dog house. This creates a problem, because although they still do their doody business outside on the lawns, they have elected to pee in their blankets in the dog house, and then lay in them.  Its a communal dog urinal and everyone is invited. Gross, I know!. Then they smell like urine and we have to bathe them every few days and the extra baths mean their skin drys out, and its just a huge domino effect of pain in the arse.

So....This week Jeff has taken to going outside first and blocking off the dog house door  until morning restroom duties are complete.  Its working VERY well, as the dogs still smell freshly bathed from Saturday.. WINNING!

This morning Jeff forgot the block. So as he woke the babies and opened their kennel door, they ran to the back door as always, but as he got there he realized his mistake and left them inside for the briefest of moments while he stepped out to block the doghouse entrance.....and that is where the anarchy began.

As I was picking out my tights for the day, and turned my back to the chair Nina and Sprocket share for sleeping, I heard collars. Lots of Jingle Jangle, unnatural jingle jangle.  When I turned around, uncharacteristically, both mom and dad were up and stretching and shaking off their blankets (they usually feign sleep for as long as possible to avoid going outside). Then suddenly there was a third dog on the chair with them.  Playing ensued. Wrestling and growling and running around the bedroom, then came the fourth, running in then running out, up the hallway and back. Jeff at the back door calling names, none of the dogs responding, and me informing him through laughter as I dodged dogs running through my feet and around my ankle, "You have lost all control".  He finally rounded the four of them up and nearly had them out the back door, when Clutch (the baby boy) made a run for it.  Back to see me, running jumping, rolling over on his back for a quick tummy rub and neck scruff then he was ready to go.

It was total wiener dog anarchy, hilarious to watch, but I hope they don't think this is going to be an every day thing.  I like my structure  & orderly routines.


  1. How cute! Funny that they were so active so early in the morning. You need a remote control door on their doggie house. Like a garage door opener.

    1. Now that is brilliant. I might have to get one of my geniuses on the design of that. LOVE IT!
