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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Dark Room

I'm not referring to a dark room like that you develop photography in,  although the room was certainly dark enough to accommodate the demand if necessary...let me start at the beginning.

I have mini blinds on the windows in my home, it's not my first choice but it's a rental and not really up to me. To hide the ugly factor of the mini blinds, I have installed curtains on my windows.  They are panels purchased, not custom designed, for budget reasons.  They are what the industry calls "black out" curtains, because they are made of material lined in such a way to block out external light when they are closed. An additional benefit is that they are also meant to help keep the cold out and the heat in during the winter months and the heat out and the cool in during the summer months. 

One thing I love about my tiny little house, is that it has an acceptable amount of windows.  I love natural lighting as opposed to the harsh light created by incandescent bulbs.  I love the savings in my electric bill from using natural lighting instead of turning on a lamp all the time.  My curtains usually hang 3/4 open to allow the light of day in and me to see out.  I like watching the weather from the inside out.

Recently I came home from work to find my living room curtains had been full shut. And when I inquired as to who and why, my youngest son informed me that he had done it as a way to keep the cold out.  You see the weather is changing and the season for cold has set upon us. I gave this some serious consideration and decided that perhaps he was on to something.  A way to lower my winter electric bill.  The theory being, that if I closed the curtains and turned the furnace on, that once a comfortable temperature was attained I could lower the furnace setting but the heat would maintain because the closed curtains would help to retain it. 

I closed the curtains and was thrilled with the initial effect.  Until.......

My bedroom is VERY small,  and I mean that.  A queen Size bed and two night stands literally cover the entire width of the room. With the curtains drawn it was nice to be able to change into my bed clothes in my room and not have to wait for the bathroom. Granted we have blinds, but I always worry, especially at night, about the neighbors being able to see in or at the very least see the shadows of movement inside.  So, I usually change in the bathroom.  But with the curtains closed, I found I felt comfortable changing in the room.  The closed curtains gave the room a different feel too.  More formal I think.  Anyway,  I was all for the change until 3 a.m.

I awoke in the wee hours of the morning (not unusual per say, as I typically wake several times every night). The room was unnaturally dark, and it was very disconcerting.  I couldn't for a moment place what had happened or where I was.  I was thirsty and needed to get a drink from the kitchen.  So I swung my legs off the bed and stood up.  From that point on it was a challenge.  Every step was tentative, the room was soooooo dark and suddenly seemed ten times larger.  I couldn't see my own hand in front of my face. The darkness actually made me feel very vulnerable and unsteady.  It took me an inordinate amount of time to make my way to the door (in this very tiny tiny room) , all the while praying not to stub my toes, or run into something.  Simply said,  I found the con to my list of pros and it was a deal breaker.

It may be cost efficient to close the curtains but unless I have an alternate source of light, a flashlight by my bed, a paraffin candle, lightning bugs in a jar, a torch, or a nightlight plugged in to my already overtaxed and underwhelming electrical outlets, the curtains will remain open.  Thank you moonlight, thank you stars, thank you streetlamps, The nip of winter air creeping through the window and blinds is welcome compared to The Dark Room.


  1. You could always put a rope from your bedroom to the kitchen faucet. Like they do in a blizzard, from the house to the barn. haha I don't have the curtain/blind problem, as I have most of my windows open for anyone to peek in to. I figure the most I will see is a occasional bear out there. I like the openness of living on a ferry boat.

    1. Now there's an idea. I never noticed, you don't have any window coverings? I'd feel so exposed? LOL, maybe if I lived on top of a mountain with no-one around. :)

  2. Yep, I live in a fishbowl. I do close the blinds in the kitchen, just because they are bigger and more open and face my neighbors house. All the other windows don't have any people near by. The woods and a privacy fence on other sides of the house are my curtains. I've had shades on all the windows, but never closed them.
