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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, November 5, 2012

How to be a Lady

When I was a little girl my mother worked very hard to make me into a little lady.  She was determined that I would not be a tom-boy simply because I had three brothers.  My mother made sure I looked like a little lady.  I played with girls toys, and participated in girls activities.

I wore dresses and skirts every day, even in the winter, even when it wasn't fashionable.  I played with baby dolls, and one year for Christmas my Grandmother Feezell even made me an entire wardrobe complete with dresses and matching bloomers, nightgowns, hooded bathtowels, and blankets for my new Rub-a-Dub Dolly.  She had a full wardrobe and it was amazing.

I wasn't allowed to play with Barbies, mom considered them too risque and trashy (in hindsight a little silly I know), but I could always play with those at my friend Robins' house who lived across the street.

I had wonderful birthday parties and got to dress up special for those, and read lots of girls books.  Reading, even then, was a passion.

I learned to be a little lady, early and even though I went begrudgingly into the world of femininity then, I appreciate it now.

Today, I wear dresses and skirts, I style my hair, and love the good clean scent of light perfume (Issey Myake is one of my favorites). I don't wear a lot of make up because I think it is damaging to the skin and ages a woman more quickly as it breaks down the cellular structure, but I do wear a more natural looking makeup, light eye liner and a very thin base and occasional eye shadow, I always wear a light lip color.  I wear heals and I believe in carrying myself like a lady.  I won't lie and say I never swear, but I work very hard to not to swear in mixed company and even then, when I do swear there are many words that cross the line that I simply won't use. 

I enjoy being a lady and doing things feminine.  I enjoy pretty things, and soft things, and things that smell wonderful. I enjoy flowers and candles, and holding hands and hugs.  I think god knew what he was doing when he gave me boys, but I think I would make a great grandmother to a little girl someday too.

Its not difficult to be lady, even in today's society.  Its about poise and style, its about manners, its about respect.  I am a lady. I am proud to be a lady. But I am also a strong, independent, intelligent and self sufficient lady.  Its the new age lady. 

1 comment:

  1. As Tom Jones sings:
    She's got style, she's got grace, She's a winner.
    She's a Lady. Whoa whoa whoa, She's a Lady.
