About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Is it Random or Schizophrenic

I was reviewing this weekend the variety of post I have written since beginning my blog a month and a half ago, and I was struck by the spectrum of topics hit.  There is no cohesive nature to the thought patterns.  I don't appear to be committed to any specific structure or topical matter.

I read lots of other blogs and have a great appreciation for them.  They act as a window into the lives of people I enjoy reading about, but don't have the opportunity to see and interact with. Most blogs are either very personal, about the day to day activities and interactions in peoples lives, or very content/subject specific.  Some people focus on politics, some on style and fashion, some people focus on the raising of their children, their jobs, flash from the past, and even food and movies. Some Blogs are serious, some are funny, some are informational, and some are sadly neither. Either way, blogs are very personal and unique to the writer. 

What I've found about my blog is that the subject matter is very eclectic.  It is all over the board depending on my mind that day.  The topics are somewhat random, and that leads to the question, is it random or schizophrenic.  I say this jokingly of course, but maybe with a hint of seriousness.  I know my mind is frequently going 20 different directions at any given moment. I know my thoughts are sometimes really off the wall and jumbled. I know I occasionally have those moments of epiphany where a really deep and profound opinion comes through, but most of the time, my blogs are in the moment, and simply RANDOM.

All my life I've wanted to write a book, a novel or some really great story with amazing well built characters,  but I can't seem to stay focused long enough to build their stories or create a cohesive world for them to exist in.  The task, though still a dream, seems unattainable.  I've thought about taking some courses on writing at Portland Community College, but my first priority is getting the boys through college.  So in the meantime, I write here.  Simple, short, cohesive for a moment blogs, and then on to the next.

Are they random or schizophrenic?  I guess it doesn't really matter, as long as they keep coming to me I'll keep writing them.  Sometimes they make me laugh, and sometimes I feel unburdened when I hit "Post".  So, I guess they serve a purpose.


  1. I like that you change everything up everyday. Keeps your blogs from getting ho-hum boring. You are by no means a boring person, and you reflect that in your blogs for interesting reading.

    1. HAHA, Even crazy can be entertaining. I just go where the tides take me. :) Thanks for the encouragement, it helps keep me going when I start wonder.
