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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Now attending Life 101 at the University of Existence

I believe at the core of who we are, that this life we live, this mortal experience, is a learning experience.  Its like taking a class at the University of Existence, "Life 101".  They don't give A's and F's in this course it's all based on pass or fail grades at this university. It's about showing up, doing the work, and giving it the good old college try.

If you think about eternity, this is barely a blip on the radar.  Do you really think your entire eternal existence is going to be based on this nanosecond?  I actually think this life is more about paying our dues. Everyone has to go through this realm, cross this bridge as it were, to get to the next.  Heavenly Father is not a brute, he is forgiving, benevolent, and kind. I don;t subscribe to the hellfire and brimstone image some churches preach.  I trust that he knows that free will screws things up sometimes and that our paths get wonky every now and then.  This life is about character building.With the experiences and steps I've taken to get where I am, I am building character in spades.  And I love it.

Life is meant to be a challenge.  It has its ups and its downs, and I embrace and accept them all as part of the greater plan.  If you don't believe in a plan but simply instead attribute things to Fate and Karma, then again, I think I'm headed in a good direction.

The key to this test, is to own your choices.  See each step along the way as a link to the next.  Have I made missteps in my life?  Of course I have, who hasn't? But here it is.....I have no regrets. With each step along the way I learned something new. Sometimes the lessons were wonderful and full of joy, and sometimes the lessons were full of pain.  But the the amazing and miraculous part is, each step made me better.  I would venture to say that I gained more wisdom and appreciation for life and the journey, as I struggled through the painful detours.  And I certainly appreciate the happy moments more because I know they can be fleeting and sometimes hard earned.

Its easy to sit back and look at other people and assume that some of them got a better deal because they appear to have less struggle and more reward,  but until you walk a mile in their shoes, you never know.  We each have struggles equal to our ability to cope and manage.  Some people are taking the entry level course to Life 101, and their course and homework assignments ARE easier, but you might have come to this University with higher entry scores and more pre-requisites out of the way, so your taking the more advanced complex course. 

I think whatever lies between here and eternity, my next step is going to be magnificent.  I intend to learn and grow and be the best I can be.  Some people may fail this test of mortality and have to retake the course, while most of us will pass satisfactorily and some will excel at the test of mortality. 

When I take my final exam, I intend to do it with my head held high, and with a firm conviction that I did my best, I have no regrets, and I'm ready for what is behind curtain #3.

Life 101, everyone has to take it.

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