About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Eyes in the Back of My Head.

Yes, As a matter of fact I do have eyes in the back of my head.  My Eyes in fact can cover a full 360 degree survey of everything that happens around me and can even see things I'm not present for.

I developed this sight moments after you were born and it has improved every year since then. 

My sight sees, not just the tangible things, but words and intentions too. I know when your up to something sneaky. I know when your planning something questionable.  I know when you have done something you shouldn't have or not done something you should have. 

This sight is magical and it is only for mothers.  It develops when our hormones change as we are carrying our babies and is triggered immediately after the baby is born.

Other magical powers we have include:
  • Super Sonic Hearing - useful for hearing things that happen on the other side of the house.  We can hear you breath, twitch, we can even hear the cogs on the wheels in you brain turn as you think of things to do next.
  • Cone of Silence - This is the opposite of Super sonic Hearing and is most useful in tuning out unnecessary noise.  Incessant crying, whining, arguing, and loud video game engagement.  Also band instruments like Drums, Tuba or Violin.
  • Speed Sleeping - This is like speed reading. We can sleep an entire eight hours in only 4 and still remain high functioning superheros. 
There are are other Super powers, but the governing counsel requires us to maintain secrecy and I have already revealed too much.

Just remember, next time you try to get away with something,  I ALWAYS know.  I DO have eyes in the back of my head and everywhere else.  There is nowhere to hide, no place to go that I won't discover.

Love Mom.


  1. I always thought that too, until my kids were adults and told me things(while laughing)that I didn't know. Sneaking out of the house for one thing..I must have been on vacation or something..lol I guess there are some things we don't want to know..Don't go on vacation.

    1. I sleep so lightly sneaking out would be impossible not to mention the dogs would go crazy. :)
