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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Commercialization of Holidays

The Holidays are indeed my favorite time of year.  Its not about the gifts, or even the gathering of  family. For me, its about the spirit and the atmosphere.

I love the colors and scents and styles of the holidays.  I love the crisp clean air. I love the twinkling of lights downtown and in the neighborhoods as long as they remain classy, tasteful, and not garish. Extreme is nice as long as it has a cohesive flow to it. I'm not about the hodgepodge effect.

I love the colors of the holidays, the deep tones of red and burgundy, forest green, and gold. I love scents of pine, cranberry, and spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, and mint.

People seem to be kinder during the holidays. Warmer spirits perhaps lifted by the joy of others.

I love winter styles. Sweaters and boots, and tights, and scarves and gloves and hats. I love the natural blush of a cheek from a cold winter breeze. The falling leaves, the naked trees, in all their stark and stripped down beauty. I love the holiday season with the harmony of carols, and the excitement of children.  There is truly no better time of year.

But it should be confined to that special time of year.

Commercialization of the holiday, bastardizes its meaning and its impact. It dilutes the joy and the pleasure of  those 4-6 weeks and diminishes its value.

Nothing is more irksome to me than to see "Christmas in July" sales in stores. This year Christmas displays and commercials on TV started before Halloween was even here.  Each year it seems to become more and more of a campaign about big business and retail.  And its disgusts me. Why can't we focus on one holiday at at time as they come.  Its not only Christmas that gets swept into the dustpan, but you can be certain that come New Years eve you will already be seeing Valentines displays in the stores, and by Valentines day you will see Easter.

All of these holidays, which once felt as if they meant something, are now about money, gifts, and who spent the most. How did we let this happen?

I love homemade presents, jams and jellies, cookies, and teas, scarves and knit caps. Its not about who spends the most, or buys the biggest present, its about, as cliche' as it sounds, "The Thought" behind the giving.  Some of the best presents I have ever received were made by my children.

I would much rather see a smile on someone else face than to worry that their pocket book is empty because of me.  I would much rather have an evening of laughter and fun with my kids than an extravagance  unnecessary.  I am not a proponent of undue stress and overindulgence and I think the commercialization of the holidays actually takes the joy and celebration out of them for many people who can't afford to be frivolous.

Here is my challenge to you, limit your spending this year and for years to come. Truly limit it.  Be creative. A gift from the heart is much greater than a gift from the pocketbook. A family dinner, a family game night, a evening of cuddling in the hammock with a fire pit and hot cocoa. A handmade card, a homemade meal, a plate of holiday sweets and treats. Learn to can, or learn to make candles or homemade soap.  Draw a picture and put it in a frame, take a picture and put in a frame.  Take back your holiday season from the big corporations and giant retail conglomerates,  make it yours, and make it special again.

Its not about having 39 presents under the tree, its about love, and hope, and giving of yourself, not your paycheck.

Happy Holidays, May they be filled with love. 


  1. What annoys me to no end, is the people who are done shopping months before Christmas. I need the all Christmas decorations to help me get in the mood. And I have to ask, do you have a hammock with a fire pit?

  2. Haha. I used to be that organized. But as the boys get older their needs have necessitated that I wait. LOL.

    Yes we do have a hammock and a portable firepit. :) We have a telescope too, soooooo... stars, firepit, hot cocoa and snuggling. What a life. :)
