About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Perfect ...Ahem....Naturally

Today I woke up and looked in the mirror and saw perfection. sweet undeniable perfection.

Yes I know, it can be a bit overwhelming and intimidating, but perfection usually is. 

As I looked in the mirror I noticed, not a hair out of place or off color.  The complexion is perfect without a hint of age or weather.  The eyes were crystal clear, bright and cheery, with long lashes,  and no crows-feet or sagging lids.  There were no wrinkles around the turns of my mouth or cracks in the lips, they are smooth and pretty.

My weight is perfect and everything sits exactly as it should, firm and perky, as if I were still a young woman waiting for life to begin.

I carry myself with poise and dignity always, and never say the wrong thing or make a bad decision.  I am brilliant in my career and my children are perfect, and my home is always spotless.

Dinner is always on the table at exactly the right time and everything is made from scratch.  No short cuts or pre-fab meals allowed.  

I'm perfect.  O.k........ Maybe not exactly perfect but I am PERFECTLY FLAWED.  I am exactly the way I was meant to be.  All of my flaws are little pieces of my character and life and experience.  I say the wrong things sometimes, I am a bit awkward in social situations, sometimes shy until I feel safe enough to open up. I am impatient, and obsessive compulsive.  I make mistakes and I get upset and I drive too fast and I sometimes curse. At the end of a long day I don't always feel like cooking so take out or pre-fab from the freezer is whats on the menu. My kids are wonderful, but perfection is asking a bit too much.  They too are perfectly flawed.

But in my PERFECTLY FLAWED state I am also kind, and fiercely loyal,  my friends recognize me for my professional ethics, but also for my humor.  I am compassionate and caring to those less fortunate by no fault of their own, and I  love deeply and completely when I am loved in return.  I am a contradiction of insecure but confident, needy but independent, and I am Perfect, truly.

Perfect in the skin I wear, the body I walk in, and the life I lead.  No one else could live MY life as well as I do, just as I could never live theirs.

Oh Lord its hard to be humble, when your perfect in every way............


  1. And you know how to write the perfect little blog everyday. That was cute. I hope you are still having a perfect day.

    1. Ahhh Thanks......Back at ya!!! We need to plan a weekend soon. :) I want to go to the tea house. :)
