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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Freedom of Choice - It's Part of What Makes America Great

Here I go again, on another sensitive topic, but they just seem to be rampant in this election season and I have to get it out of my head.  Again, standard disclaimer, please understand these are my opinions and I respect that yours may not agree with mine. Don't hate me for it.

Growing up, I always considered myself pro-life. I always thought that abortions under any circumstances were wrong- because it meant ending a life, and all human life should be sacred. But lately, my stance has changed with women's rights at the forefront of this election season,  I find myself challenged to re-evaluate my position. Its not a compromise of my beliefs, those are still mine to follow and weigh against in any given situation, it's just a compromise to allow for the fact that not all women believe as I do.

Now, do I think it's o.k. to consider abortion as a first and primary option or that it should be used as a means of birth control? No,  I don't. I still think abortion is wrong and I would like to think that I would never have one. But I've never been victim to a rape resulting in pregnancy, never been in a life threatening situation. I think it is a decision which should be made with much thought and consideration, with a heavy heart and a right mind.  It should be a last resort and should be accompanied and partnered with mandatory psychological counseling.  But I do think it should be a woman's right to chose.

I think there should be guidelines imposed on how it can be used, and under what circumstances medical insurance should cover costs and at what level, but ultimately it should remain in the power of the woman to decide.  Like it, love it or hate it..it's a woman's choice. No one has to deal with the repercussions but them.

So I started thinking...what if some over zealous politician took away my choice to work, or to breastfeed, or to seek a higher education? How would that make me feel?   If Roe V. Wade is overturned, then that is just the beginning. There's no telling what other choices and freedoms will be taken away. A legal precedent will have been set.  A legal precedent is defined as:

a. An act or instance that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent similar instances

Legislatures for generations to come will review the precedent and use it to justify limiting our rights in other ways. We will have opened the door, pandora's box, and it will be us who pay the price.  It is quite frankly a sacrifice I am unwilling to make. I am an intelligent and well versed woman and I know what is best for my body, my healthcare, and my emotional well being.  I will never willingly allow some middle aged politician who has never met me and probably never will to make life altering decisions on my behalf.

You may debate the issue based on your faith, your religious affiliation and your core belief structures. But the key words in this are your faith and your religious affiliation and your core belief system. 

One thing I love about this country is what makes it great. It's diversity. We are a melting pot of heritage. So many different backgrounds and religions. And the beautiful part of freedom is: THAT'S OK.

This campaign season has been filled with so much HATE. If people don't believe your way, they are automatically idiots, crazy, lunatics etc. People have called the President a Muslim, in bed with terrorists, a Socialist, etc etc. and that's o.k.  People have called Governor Romney an elitist snob, out of touch with what the real American needs, a religious zealot, a liar, etc., etc. and that's o.k. too. It's freedom of speech and it is why people are clamoring to get into this country. Because you have so many freedoms. 

One of the greatest of those freedoms is freedom of religion. You are free to worship anyone/thing that you please. If it suits you, to worship a rock then by all means worship a rock. You can subscribe to any religion or lack of religion you chose. Some people go their whole lives with setting foot in a church. And that's o.k. too. It is part of their freedom.

But you see, when you start telling another person what to do based on the tenets of your faith it's really not freedom anymore. By telling them they HAVE to follow what you believe you strip them of their freedom.  And just like taking away women's health care choices sets a precedent, taking away religious freedoms set a precedent as well. Neither of those paths is a path I want to travel down. It's a slippery slope and I'd rather keep my freedoms and choices intact.

I know this subject is so sensitive and that many people will see this viewpoint as me saying its o.k. to kill babies.  And truly, that is not what I am saying.  What I am saying is this....Outlawing abortion will NOT solve the problem. Do the laws against murder stop murderers? Or the laws against drugs stop drug dealers or users? By making abortion illegal you are only ensuring that it returns to the dark recesses of back alleys and underground offices with unscrupulous doctors and dangerous outcomes. Women will die seeking solutions which were once legal and theirs to chose.

Education is key. Teach young mothers how to raise children and that they're not alone. Give them easy access to resources to help them and don't make them think they're being backed into a corner and abortion is the only way. Educate our children, talk with them, this isn't the 1950's.  We no longer ship the unmarried pregnant teen off to boarding school or some far away relative to hide their shame.  We don't marry our 16 & 17 year old daughters off just to save face. Sex is a reality, don't keep it a taboo.  Be an engaged and active parent in your children's lives and help them to make the choices that will lead to success in their futures not the forfeiture of their hopes and dreams with a baby on their hip or the guilt of its absence. Teach responsibility and consequences but most of all, teach them love and forgiveness.

And THAT is my two cents worth :)

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