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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Planners vs. Procrastinators - The Epic Battle

Are you a planner or a procrastinator?  Do you stay awake at night thinking of all the details that need to be taken care of in order for your plans and projects to succeed flawlessly and to great praise? Do you make lists and begin preparations months in advance.

No matter the event; No matter the simplicity or complexity: You have every detail thought out, envisioned, mapped and precisely ready in your mind.  You have time tables for each task to be completed and you have built in safety nets just in case.  There is always a plan 'B' for your plan 'B'. Failure is not an option.

But even as you stay on track, and realistically you know you've never missed a deadline, you panic every time, and stress overwhelms you and thereby those around you as projects, party's, events, holidays, vacations, plans, draw nearer and nearer.  What did you forget? Something?! Nothing!  Something?!  Nothing!  You banter with yourself an internal conflict that externally reflects demanding or panicked bitch mode. And you try to calm, but your forgot something?!  Nothing! and then the time and event comes, and goes, and everything happens as it should and it's flawless and whatever you forgot is forgotten and not one notices, not even you!  And you breathe and you rest and everyone says how much fun they had, and the planner in you was a success.

But sometimes, you wonder........just sometimes.....is it all worth it. Do you ultimately stress and worry just as much as the procrastinator? Scurrying about at the last moment trying to pull it all together?  Do the the details REALLY matter all THAT much? Do people REALLY notice? Would it be worth it just to laze about for months and weeks and days on end leading up to whatever the grand event, without a care or thought towards it. Just living in the moment not caring? Isn't a passing grade passing whether it's Satisfactory or Exemplary in the grand scheme of things equal and passing all the same?  Why not put in just enough effort to make it work and relax?

O.K.  Truth........Even typing that stressed me out.  The mere idea stresses me out. Of COURSE the details matter.  Planning ahead, thinking ahead, being strategic with my time and efforts, doing the best work I can and delivering a kick ass result, it's the only thing I know how to do. If it means you have to deal with bitch mode occasionally, then deal with it. I deal with your dirty socks, and all kinds of annoying habits. Do I sometimes wake from a dead sleep with a thought about a project I'm working on? Well of course, I do! Who doesn't!?!?!?  This is life. It's why you love me and it's the balance I bring to my world of men who procrastinate the simple task of waking daily.  What would they do without me.

Their universe keeps evolving because I plan it out for them.

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