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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How's My Driving?...1-800-Xxxxxx

You really don't want me to answer that question or make that call.  How many times Have I seen that sign on the back of the company van, or transport truck, and thought......If I answer that question honestly......You and your hapless brood are homeless because you are out of a job.

That's right....Your driving stinks.  You can't change lanes, it's called a blind spot and you are supposed to check it for a reason, maybe you really are blind in which case...why are you driving?  There are laws these days about texting and driving,  just say no, go hands free or go without.  

The little lines painted on the road are meant to help divide the road up evenly so everyone can share the space. You don't get to wander as you please.  Those little lights on your tail bumper are accessed through controls on your wheel, they are called turn signals and help to tell the rest of us where you plan to go next.  A little heads up is like an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Speed limits are for a reason.  Too slow and you are a giant barrier, too fast and you are a menace.  You vascilate between the two like teenage girl between boyfriends.

Stop riding my bumper by the way. If you cant see the bottom of my rear wheel tires you are too close.  Personal space buddy.  While we are on the topic,  stop riding your breaks.  I understand the need for a safe following distance, but a football field between you and the car in front of you is a whee bit excessive.

The soda cup and fast food garbage you tossed out your window just now is called littering and there are fines for that. Not only should I report you to your employer, but how about the highway patrol?

Did you drink before you got in the drivers seat, because you are weaving all over the place?  And your road rage, and attitude needs some serious adjusting.  Next time you flip me off, I wont consider your rug rats before I make that call.

In summary....Your Driving is atrocious.  I have no idea how you got your license, let alone how this became your career.  For my safety and the safety of others,  please remove yourself from behind the wheel and take public transit from here on in. At least there, you'll fit in with the rest of the mongrels.

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