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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

No Shirt, No Shoes, No.......Just pull your pants up

I genuinely hoped the age of gangsta pants was over.  Hasn't it run it's course yet?  I know trends rise and fall....isn't it time for this one to go back into the vault, never to be seen again.....I pray......please....to all the powers that be and the universe in general?!?!

I love seeing young men wearing pants that fit them.  Or at least wearing a belt and trying to keep them up if their still in that awkward limbo stage where their too skinny for their height and have no butt or body fat to speak of.   For a while everywhere I looked as I drove through the neighborhoods and streets of our fair cities were teenagers and young adults with saggy pants showing off their boxers and briefs with pride....or was that stupidity?  It was as if they were purchasing size 42 jeans for the men they planned to become someday when their lazy devil may care attitudes finally found them looking at 300 lb reflections in the mirror. And then suddenly one day, I thought the fad was over, but it seems to be making a resurgence.

A smart consumer choice I suppose. Economical to buy pants you can wear at any weight, just set a style trend...right? But this particular trend is really offensive. No not like bell bottoms or leg warmers or even big 80's hair, this style choice triggers the desire in me to pull my car over and throat punch somebody. I have an overwhelming urge to put a boot in someones hiney hole and smack them hard against the forehead and say "As if".  I mean honestly,  how fast can they really run with their pants around their ankles?

Perhaps a good zap with my stun gun will spark some brain cells back to life and they will remember that appearances DO matter.

I'm going to start driving around with my car windows down and simply yell through a bull horn "Pull up your pants".   Maybe that will help? A little social conscience never hurt anyone...right?

Oh, and by the way, put a shirt on, wash your damn hair, take a shower, and use deodorant.  You smell like the butt crack of humanity.

New style trend....starting today....pants that fit, belts,  and good hygiene. America is supposed to be the land of opportunity, it's time we started to look the part.

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