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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Is there Sense in Non-sense?

Once upon a time a man awoke on a cold winters day in  Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and said
"I wonder how much longer this winter is going to last".
So he pulled on his long johns, big rubber boots, and after chugging down a jar of moonshine (because the only way someone is going to trust a rodent is if they are drunk),  he dug in the hard frozen ground, found a giant rodent, yanked his flea bitten hide up, held him in the sunshine to see if he could see his shadow, and said dagnabbit that's another six week of winter. and Ground hog day was born. True story.

REALLY???? At what point did we lose all sense and pride and determine that a rodent in Pennsylvania could decide our seasons?  Granted, its probably more accurate than most of our current network news meteorologists, but that's another story.....
"Golly Ethyl, I betcha that groundhog can tell us what the weathers gonna be"

Have you seen our weather lately.  We in the northwest barely had a winter in 2014/15 let alone 6 more weeks.  It's March and we are already hitting 70 degrees outside?  I think the groundhog got it wrong.  So what other nonsense are we batting about.

Well, non-sense overwhelms our general intelligence when it comes down to certain long standing superstitions. I want to to say I'm determined to break the rules on every single one of these, but then my "Do I really want to tempt fate" logic kicks in, and I find myself walking around the ladder again instead of under. 

Beginners luck, no such thing, it's usually just the excuse given by a disgruntled veteran of the game who just lost to a newbie.

See a penny, pick it up.....do you know how many germs are on that penny? REALLY?! do you think your going to have good luck because you stooped over to pick it up? I truly don't think so.  If anything the only luck your going to have in not getting the Ebola virus or malaria......moving on

My Nemesis...Don't walk under a ladder.  It's actually very practical. I mean you could stumble and knock someone or something off and it could fall on you. However, that was not the original premise,  it had to do with a religious belief about the holy trinity and the ladder and the wall forming a triangle and walking underneath it being blasphemous.  I don't think God is on board with one.  I'll stick with the safety explanation.

Crossing paths with a black cat is bad luck, well guess what, we have all done it. Black Cats are not evil. They are not ALL witches familiars (OK maybe some , but I'm sure so are some calico, and white, and Siamese and ......others). (jk). Cats are just aristocratic domestic animals who believe they have the right away...so yield.

Some others....Rabbits feet, now that's just cruel; Bad luck comes in threes, so do celebrity deaths; A broken mirror brings 7 of bad luck, luckily this one has a cure like touching a shard to a tombstone (that's right a tombstone) or grinding the shards into dust (try not to breathe that stuff in); There is the biblical fear of 666, however that would mean nobody would have called me at my lst home number (666-0111); Knock on Wood, Cross your fingers, Wish on a wishbone, No umbrellas inside (not even to dry), and of course...Friday the 13th. Did you know the number 13 is considered so unlucky that hotels don't have a 13th floor? They go from 12 to 14.  It's true.  Stupid.....but true.

There might nuggets of sense in some nonsense, but most of it is just the human need for answers when they cant explain the unknown. Sometimes logic defies, sometimes logic is the most simple answer, and sometimes there is no answer. You stubbed your toe because you walked into the table, not because you crossed paths with a black cat.

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