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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

What Can mend a Broken Heart..........

The human heart is an interesting thing.  The size of your fist,  it sits in your chest guarded in a cage of bone meant to protect it and shield it as it miraculously provides life, blood, oxygen, warmth....the human heart is a miracle and yet as fragile as it is powerful.

It is chambers and valves and arteries, a system that must work together in flawless synchronicity in order to maintain longevity and hope. When one part fails it sets off a chain reaction impacting all the others parts of the system in which every part must assume extra responsibility for the burden of the work no longer supported.  Every part of the system becomes stressed and overtaxed and begins to breakdown.

Like any good factory the key is to ensure that all parts are functioning and when one fails, you must find a way to compensate for it or repair it without overwhelming the rest of the team. It's not always easy or even possible.

Sometimes a system breaks and there is nothing you can do to fix it short of a complete overhaul.

The human heart is like this.  Both literally and figuratively.

Not only do we face these challenges in real life health crisis', tangible and measurable. But we also face them on an less physical and more emotional level at times.

The emotional broken heart, is actually more in the brain and the mind but it can still cause physical manifestations of pain in the chest. We don't use the term "I love you with all my brain" we say "I love you with all my Heart".  The heart is the symbol we have chosen to represent our feelings of affection because it represents our blood line and our life line.. Do you know that the reason you wear a wedding ring on your left third finger (also known as the "ring finger") is because there is a vein in that finger that runs directly to the heart?

Sometimes mending a broken heart is about taking the time to heal, physically and emotionally.  It's about focusing all your energies on the positive and envisioning a happy ending.  See where you want to be and make it happen. See a healthy happy you and go there.  Do whatever is necessary to mend your heart. No holds barred.

Chambers, Valves, Arteries, or invisible fields of overwhelming emotions, identify the issue, and if it's within your power to fix it, take control and make it happen.

Its your life....Live it like you mean it. Only you can Mend Your Broken Heart.  You are in Control!

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