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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Cleaning

Today is the first day of Spring 2014! A cause for celebration indeed. Winter is over, the grey skies will now magically disappearing, bluebirds will begin singing, small furry animals will scamper across fields of green and flowers will bloom.  The air will fill with the fragrant scents of blossoms as they burst forth from hibernation and the world will once again be set right on its axis. It could happen.

Truth be told,  that's what I am allowing myself to believe for this one day.  That Sunrise and Sunset have stricken a bargain with mother nature to put away the greyness of winter for the next 8 months and to allow Spring to lead the way for Summer and Fall,  setting a precedence with beauty and life renewed.

Isn't that the cycle? The bigger picture? The way it's always been? We just forget sometimes that its all part of this majestic miracle and that we are observers to a planetary evolution every year. Its really rather remarkable when you take the time to sit back and think about it. 

Stop running amok with your armas flailing about in your havoc filled chaotic lives for just one minute in one hour for one day and watch what is happening around you. Because it is freaking awesome.  Nature and all she has to offer, including mankind, are absolutely captivatingly spectacular. Its a live action 4D movie all day every day. Humor, action, thriller, horror, drama, love story, all rolled into one.

Now...for the downer...Spring brings with it spring cleaning...this includes the fireplace, closets, yards, garage, patio space, under and around furniture, windows, and perhaps even an assessment of life's choices. Am I on the right course and am I moving in the right direction?

Time to tackle, Getting busy, observing, assessing, cleaning, appreciating, respecting. Life is good and Spring is here.

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