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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Happy Thurfriday!

What is a Thurfriday you might ask? Well, its just the best damn day of the week! It's like platform 13 1/2 to Harry Potter. It's like a Turducken at Thanksgiving (yes I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one but we'll discuss that later). 

Thurfirday is the pinnacle day in which the heavens open up and angels sing hallelujah, or maybe that's just my coworker cackling, but either way, it spells freedom and a 3 day weekend or respice, or reprieve, whatever your perspective.  It's bliss.

Since starting work at Clackamas County last August I have relearned the days of the week as they were taught to me back in kindergarten a few years ago....ahem.  Gone are the days of Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday.  Welcome to my new age week...Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thurfriday-Myday-Saturday-Sunday!  Amazing!  I know.  There is actually a day in my new week called Myday! Sometimes its all about me and sometimes it's full of others, but one thing it never is.....work.

Myday means I have the house to myself and my time to me without guilt or obligation. Its a few hours of self reflective time in which I get to regroup and reset. Its time with friends, or running errands, or working on a project, or just completely turning into a vegetative state. Its all up to me, for those few hours. I can get dressed or stay in my PJ's. Comb my hair or not, it doesn't matter.....It Myday.

Now lets discuss that turducken. Who came up with brilliant idea of stuffing a chicken in a duck in a turkey? Somebody call PETA!  Because somewhere in the afterlife the chicken and duck are saying REALLY! Your going to  stuff me WHERE? Is this Karma? Because I know I pecked you that time when I had a bad morning, but everyone has a bad day sometimes? Truly, my final resting place is going to be THERE? So sad.  RIP Emily (Merry Melodies Chicken circa 1930's) and Daffy (Merry Melodies/Looney Tunes Duck circa 1939-1989). We're sorry you got stuffed up a turkey's butt, but some people say it makes for great eating.

Happy Thurfriday.  If you haven't already, may you someday find your Myday.

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