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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hiney Holes - Everybody has one

Excuses, Excuses.  Excuses are like hiney holes, everybody has one and no body wants to see or hear them. They are not pleasant.  Full of poop and wasted hot air.

We have reasons why we are the way we are, but either you chose to stand up and overcome your obstacles or you play the victim always making excuses for why you are a failure at one thing or another.

Life is a choice my friend.  One choice after another, after another.  Suck it up. If you want rainbows and unicorns get a lobotomy and have yourself committed. The day Tulips sprout from your butt crack is the day I discover I can stick coal up my hiney hole and squeeze out exquisite diamonds.  Red bull gives you wings, my eye. The only thing that can make you fly is United Airlines (or an affiliate) or a leap from a tall building in which case you will be sidewalk splatter in seconds.

Choices have consequences, good and bad. Learn it, live it, accept it. We are each equipped with the ability to decipher right from wrong. So use it. You had a bad childhood? Well so did about 50% of the population growing up in the 60's and 70's & 80's. Our generation was ripe with abuse and neglect. You were poor? Well maybe you can appreciate things more because of it.

So you've made mistakes that took you down dark and dangerous paths? Well, there are always forks in the road and new paths before us, we just have to be willing to take them. So make a turn. Sometimes the bravest thing to do, is to change. Take a stand and make a choice. Inaction and apathy are the equivalent of cowardice. Neutrality is playing it safe. Be decisive! Stand for something! Be real and be brave! Be Proud!

Stop making excuses for yourself and others. Be honest and truthful and learn to own who you are and where you come from. Don't rewrite history. Wear it proudly, for every step and every stone you've crossed has brought you where you are today. To rewrite it, would be to erase who you  have become, to deny who you really are.  You've made mistakes?  Hell yes! Who hasn't? The only shame is in not acknowledging that we are all flawed and we are all still learning. Did you lie, cheat, or steal? Did you get caught and pay the price? Did you learn a lesson and become a better person because of it? Then guess what........You Are Human! Welcome to the not so elite club.

No excuses. Everybody has a hiney hole, full of poop, lets not double down and add excuses to the pile of dookey. Stand tall, wipe your hiney, pull up your britches and move ahead.

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