About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Quirkiness is Next to Godliness....

I am Quirky. Self proclaimed , I own it, and wear it proudly.  I am an oddity of nature. I am both feminine and gentile but tough and self preserving when necessary. I am silly and goofy, the life of the party, but can be serious and pensive when the occasion calls for it. I have wisdom beyond my years and enough for many lifetimes, and yet I learn from others around me and new life experiences every day.

I find fascination in the minutia but can see the big picture. I love crafty ideas but don't have a creative bone in my body. I like pretty things but cant stand frilly. I like to sing and pretend I can, but the truth is I am not musical. I like to dance but have no rhythm (imagine Steve Martin in the Jerk on his family porch...yeah...that's me).

I like music, but can't name the artist when I hear a song. I like watching live sports games, and understand the basic rules, but can't tell you anything about the players, their stats, etc. I took two years of German and even hosted Bergit a German exchange student, but retain only eine bitte of the language.

I love to read but fall asleep every time I pick up a book, no matter how interesting it is to me. I have my own Wii console but can only play certain games because I am completely uncoordinated (as established in prior blogs) and can't make my fingers and brain work together to control the functions of the fast paced challenging ones.

I used to have a memory like Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory (albeit not as annoying) but the older I get the more forgetful and normal I become. LOL.  Truly, some days I would forget my name if someone didn't say it to me. :) 

I have a fear of feet, germs, boogies, germs, public restrooms, germs, portable toilets, germs, spiders/ants/ and all things creepy and crawly, germs, rats and mice, people who look suspicious, people with dirty hair, people who smell like urine, germs, dead skin, finger and toe nails, germs, tight confined spaces (including elevators and stairwells), driving next to semi trucks, driving next to concrete barriers, driving next to cliff edges, germs, falling down, wells, tap water, warm milk, Flying insects (not just the creepy crawly), and finally the not previously mentioned GERMS. 

* Disclaimer: This list is not all inclusive and should not be taken out of context to imply all fears are covered.

I worry about and attempt to micro manage every minute detail of my life, but often struggle when things are outside of my sphere of influence and control. I pride myself on being able to stay flexible and roll with the tides, but inside my anxiety surges and I battle every minutes to stay even and calm. Never let them see you sweat.  Pleasant, always be pleasant. I try.

I believe in Karma, I believe in the power of positive energy, I believe in hope, and resurgence, I believe that energy in whatever form it takes and whatever vessel it inhibits, cannot be created or destroyed, it simply transforms. When one vessel no longer sustains, it is released into the universe until another vessel is in need of it. Energy is always with us, around us, in us. Energy drives our existence, fuels our lives, our bodies, our souls, and energy is always evolving flowing in and out.

I believe that life is a gift, every second and every day. That we are here with one purpose and that is to learn. Always to learn. When you stop learning, stop growing, you stop living. I learn every day.
I have much to live for.

I wear colors that don't match (only at home) and mans pajama pants (what....they're comfortable).  I go without a bra (some days..I know...how tacky?...right?), and I use hair chalk and color clip ins for fun sometimes (yes...even at 46). I have two tattoos (and though I would love another its no longer in the cards due to health reasons), and I use to have several other piercings besides just my ears (key word...Used To. :) ).

Like I said....Quirky. Unique....I wear it proudly, I may be different, But I am a majestic unicorn in a field of sheep.

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